Fan Fiction:   Real Life In Bikini Bottom

Fan Fiction: Real Life In Bikini Bottom

A fan fiction about a reality show in Bikini Bottom (From SpongeBob). The main cast, supporting characters, and side character's lives are explored. It may seem silly but, this *Real life in bikini bottom*! Series narrated by Patchy The Pirate. Please comment

published on May 01, 2015not completed

Returning Student Starfish part 2

   Spongebob: "Leave Mrs. Puff out of this."
   Patrick: -- Starts flailing hands, and smacks Spongebob --
   Crowd of students: "Fight! Fight, FIGHT"!
   Spongebob: "Patrick!" -- Wins using self defense-- "Ever heard of the stupid star, and the tin cans?"
   Patrick:" "I'm quitting school!" -- storms off --
   Mrs. Puff: " Spongebob.. "
   Spongebob: -- Looks nervous --
   Mrs.Puff: "Thank you!"
   Spongebob: "Does this nean I get my license?"
   Mrs.Puff: -- looks smug -- "No..."
  Patchy: I guess Spongebob wilk have to try again... --chuckle--
-- After school --
   Spongebob: I better check on Patrick, my karate skills are pretty great". -- Enters Patrick's house -- "Patrick! Patrick what are you doing"?
   Patrick: -- Sitting there depressed -- "Spongebob I know i've barely accomplished anything, and I never will. I wanted you to see me as cool, so I wanted a license. School was always  too hard, it made me angry so I took it out on you, and Mrs.Puff. "I'm sorry buddy".
   Spongebob: -- stands still out of sadness -- "Patrick it's ok, I don't have a license either. You are cool. If you want we cab try to make bew accomplishments. Squidward can help too"! -- smiles--
   Patrick: "Thanks buddy. Even if I can't accomplish much I have you, and Squidward"...
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