who wants my spotify i have cool playlists (they’re so bad tbh)

@McFaggot already done:3
on July 22, 2023

on July 22, 2023

@McFaggot okkkk + omg can i give u recs ive got good ones
on July 22, 2023

me i need better music taste
on July 22, 2023
on July 22, 2023

omw to suggest the worst possible names to my currently nameless band
on July 22, 2023

accidentally told my friends i’d like to make reservations for me and the person i like at the conservative (i meant conservatory)
on July 21, 2023

attachment issues crazy i be googling “do they like me” at 4 am (i got the second date things are literally Fine)
on July 20, 2023

on July 20, 2023

psa: i’d ur gonna get a tattoo eat beforehand bc i had a handful of dry cereal and half of a peanut butter sandwich like two hours before my appointment and i almost passed out
on July 20, 2023

started writing the cutest little love song 4 the person i’m seeing:3 i used my favorite riff that i came up with and every line in it is a reference to things we did. planning on keeping this one unreleased at the very least until they hear it for the first time (we’re only j getting to know eachother so i’m gonna give it some time before i show them, i’ll prob take them 2 one of the places we went on our first date and play it for them 1 on 1

some of the lines i use are slightly witty and almost snarky in a playful way bc we tease eachother a lot (one of the lyrics is smth about the smell of a rose and it’s sort of a subtle jab bc they can’t smell and have never smelled a rose before)
on July 16, 2023
on July 16, 2023

absolute shit week i’m stuck in ohio until next weekend and my other cat bit my finger badly (like her tooth went through my finger) and i can’t play my guitar and that’s like,, literally my only hobby
on July 13, 2023

today has been utter shit. j got bit by my other cat (accidentally, she was chewing on my bracelet and i was trying to stop her) and her tooth went through my finger????? wtf
on July 13, 2023

on July 13, 2023

on July 13, 2023

on July 12, 2023

relationship dynamic: emetophobic x sensory issues (can go out for lunch and neither one of us has to feel bad about being picky and consuming only beige foods)
on July 11, 2023

back in ohio for a bit + might go to florida n then i’ll b back in chi permanently 😁😁
on July 10, 2023

mean girls by bladee is unironically so fire
on July 09, 2023