i hate un-friending people over different beliefs but one of my friends has been like,, mildly transphobic towards the person i’m seeing (like she said it’s not really queer bc they’re AMAB even though they’re literally not a man and they also keep using the wrong pronouns) and idk she’s not being aggressive but it doesn’t sit right.
on July 08, 2023

a man just told me i look like i lack object permanence and i can’t even be upset bc he is so right
on July 08, 2023

wednesday updates bc i had fun and i forgot to post ab it
-they were real quiet at first and i was scared they were uncomfortable or smth tbh
-within 5 minutes of meeting up we got caught in rain and we had to take shelter in a record store and they were playing bjork over the speakers there bc it was the anniversary of debut
-we’d originally planned on going to an art museum but it was closed so we went to a library
-they showed me a bunch of kafka quotes that were on the See More walls
-i found a book ab feminism and weed farming (fine literature)
-we went to a rose garden and i accidentally swallowed a bug which was gross
-we sat by the harbor and watched boats and chatted ab stuff and then a goose came up to us which was sorta scary
-we went to the museum campus (3 miles south of where we were) and they got a hotdog from a hot dog cart (i didn’t get anything bc i’m vegetarian) (earlier i mentioned that and they teased me 4 being a vegetarian smiths fan)
-we found a cool garden and trespassed on do not enter property but it was ok
-we sat down again n talked ab stuff
-they caught a firefly and gave it to me and then a i looked away for .5 seconds and they had a ladybug????
-we were walking to the beach but there was a thunderstorm so we started walking back bc we didn’t wanna get rained on again
-we got rained on again (a lot.)
-we took shelter under a thing but it didn’t help we were already soaked and they were freezing but i couldn’t give them my flannel bc 1. it was soaked too and 2. i was wearing a white shirt so it was clear and,,
-finally found a train n parted ways at my station
overall very kool we’re gonna do it again soon
-they were real quiet at first and i was scared they were uncomfortable or smth tbh
-within 5 minutes of meeting up we got caught in rain and we had to take shelter in a record store and they were playing bjork over the speakers there bc it was the anniversary of debut
-we’d originally planned on going to an art museum but it was closed so we went to a library
-they showed me a bunch of kafka quotes that were on the See More walls
-i found a book ab feminism and weed farming (fine literature)
-we went to a rose garden and i accidentally swallowed a bug which was gross
-we sat by the harbor and watched boats and chatted ab stuff and then a goose came up to us which was sorta scary
-we went to the museum campus (3 miles south of where we were) and they got a hotdog from a hot dog cart (i didn’t get anything bc i’m vegetarian) (earlier i mentioned that and they teased me 4 being a vegetarian smiths fan)
-we found a cool garden and trespassed on do not enter property but it was ok
-we sat down again n talked ab stuff
-they caught a firefly and gave it to me and then a i looked away for .5 seconds and they had a ladybug????
-we were walking to the beach but there was a thunderstorm so we started walking back bc we didn’t wanna get rained on again
-we got rained on again (a lot.)
-we took shelter under a thing but it didn’t help we were already soaked and they were freezing but i couldn’t give them my flannel bc 1. it was soaked too and 2. i was wearing a white shirt so it was clear and,,
-finally found a train n parted ways at my station
overall very kool we’re gonna do it again soon
on July 08, 2023

follow up ?we had to change our plans completely thanks to both of us being bad at planning (the living queer tragedy) but it worked out kinda perfect, they were really shy at first but we ended up hitting it off great, we ended up getting caught in a storm in the evening and having to wade several miles in ankle deep chicago sludge water but even that was sorta a fun bonding experience ?
on July 06, 2023

gonna b a good day!! missed the breakfast rush at my hotel, i look real cool, goin out in a few hours:) fun times!!
on July 05, 2023

on July 05, 2023

when mustard service played at zest fest this year marco hosed down the front row with mustard and the next day posted on his story that he got in trouble for it followed by “front row’s the splash zone im sorry” he’s so nonchalant i love it
on July 04, 2023

good time in chi so far!!!! went to my friend thing’s show and were going out on wednesday probably also saw some cool art exhibitions:)
on July 03, 2023

my whole baton twirling era was so funny why did i do that i didn’t like it that much and i didn’t get anything out of it. just made me flexible and got me groomed
on July 02, 2023

i think my peak freshman year was taking an edible at a party and making out with everyone in the room. shit was wild
on July 01, 2023

on July 01, 2023

chicago tomorrow we found a better hotel but it’s not free til tomorrow afternoon
on July 01, 2023

i miss the days when people actually cared about followers on here and we would post like ONE MORE PERSON FOLLOW THIS BIATCH:3 on eachother’s walls and everyone would be like YAY HAPPY 400 n shit
on June 30, 2023

told my parents im talking to someone who isn’t a man n they actually like them omg (they know i’m queer but this is my first notable queer situation since i came out)
on June 30, 2023