How much more torture...will this boy...put me through...as we speak, he told me hes drunk...hes 18, legal drinking age is 21. His mother knows from what he told me. Yet he won't tell me who this 'fun friend' he's with is because, "i don't want to."
I'm sick and tired...i don't want to break up with him...but, i might be leaving due to the extreme amount of emotional stress i am going through. Email me at [email protected] or P.M. me within a few days if anyone cares. I See More just cant handle it anymore.
I'm sick and tired...i don't want to break up with him...but, i might be leaving due to the extreme amount of emotional stress i am going through. Email me at [email protected] or P.M. me within a few days if anyone cares. I See More just cant handle it anymore.
on September 05, 2015

Silent_Scarlet has become a member of the page

Creepypasta FanClub (Monster5728's followers only)
on August 30, 2015

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay \(^o^)/ I love Creepypasta :3
on August 30, 2015

Shut Up and Sleep With Me - Sin with Sebastian
requested by itachikicksbutt there...i posted it song: Shut Up and Sleep With Me artist: Sin with Sebastian **I DO NOT OWN THE SONG USED IN THIS VIDEO.**
on August 23, 2015

You can't show your shoulders because it is a distraction to males XD

on August 22, 2015

Right?! XD then there are the others like "mmm...them shoulders...i wanna just pet em...mmmmmm...those ankles...mmm that wrist" >XD
on August 22, 2015
on August 22, 2015

So...I'm watching this weird old horror movie that's based in a hospital...it's annoying and funny how inaccurate it is...i mean...if a lady stopped having contractions during labor she wouldn't still be in pain or if there were a patient that were unconscious they would have a nurse in the room WITH the patient at all times...*facepalms* -_-
on August 22, 2015

Silent_Scarlet added a new chapter to Insanity (1)
Little Red
I escaped out of my recent victim's house and followed this guy.
Something just possessed me to do it.
I sped walked as he walked casually, his hands calmly in the pockets of his hoodie.
Seeing his breath in the cold of the night as his hair danced in the gentle but chilling wind made me stop in my tracks.
The streetlights made him look...perfect...
Then he...stopped.
I stopped as well, waiting to see what he stopped for.
He then turned to the left, not knowing I was there.
He pulled ... Read Full Chapter
Something just possessed me to do it.
I sped walked as he walked casually, his hands calmly in the pockets of his hoodie.
Seeing his breath in the cold of the night as his hair danced in the gentle but chilling wind made me stop in my tracks.
The streetlights made him look...perfect...
Then he...stopped.
I stopped as well, waiting to see what he stopped for.
He then turned to the left, not knowing I was there.
He pulled ... Read Full Chapter
on August 22, 2015

The annoying moment when i try to make my boyfriend smile and it lasts only 2 seconds, but when his ex's or other girls talk to him the smile stays -_-
on August 22, 2015

Silent_Scarlet added a new chapter to Insanity (1)
We Meet Again
I still lain in my victims bed, starting at the ceiling.
Deep in thought...
About life.
'What's it really worth? I guess I'll never know...'
Then I heard a tap on the window.
I cautiously stood and peeked out the corner and saw a silhouette of a man.
I raised an eyebrow and looked at him slightly confused.
Then he had opened the window and entered the same room as I.
I grasped the handle of the box cutter I was using.
"There you are," he said in an entertained voice, "you move quite... Read Full Chapter
Deep in thought...
About life.
'What's it really worth? I guess I'll never know...'
Then I heard a tap on the window.
I cautiously stood and peeked out the corner and saw a silhouette of a man.
I raised an eyebrow and looked at him slightly confused.
Then he had opened the window and entered the same room as I.
I grasped the handle of the box cutter I was using.
"There you are," he said in an entertained voice, "you move quite... Read Full Chapter
on August 21, 2015

Silent_Scarlet added a new chapter to Insanity (1)
Ponder Upon Thoughts
'Insanity- repeating the same action over and over, expecting a different result.'
I wiped my blade clean of the crimson liquid, knowing my sanity will snap back soon...there was something odd this go around.
I didn't feel as bloodthirsty as I usually am...I didn't cut my scars this time.
I had lain on my victim's bed, I don't care about them finding hair or skin samples...all that matters is I'm hidden.
I sighed and pondered about my life now.
I can't do anything...I have no sig... Read Full Chapter
I wiped my blade clean of the crimson liquid, knowing my sanity will snap back soon...there was something odd this go around.
I didn't feel as bloodthirsty as I usually am...I didn't cut my scars this time.
I had lain on my victim's bed, I don't care about them finding hair or skin samples...all that matters is I'm hidden.
I sighed and pondered about my life now.
I can't do anything...I have no sig... Read Full Chapter
on August 20, 2015

...my stomach growls every single time my blood is drawn...(happens even if i had just eaten)...umm...im pretty positive im masochistic...the only clown i can stand to look at is Laughing Jack...umm...i HATE onions but i LOVE onion rings...i have a weird habit of vampire kissing my boyfriend (good thing he doesnt mind it XD) umm...im easily and overly jealous...and...my grandmother loves heavy metal like me XD
on August 19, 2015

1- severe RSV when i was a baby
2- almost got plowed by a diesel in a car
3- bleeding out during knee surgery
As for my siblings...I saved them many times
Brother 2-
1- saved him from drowning See More
2- saved him from choking 7 times
Brother 3-
1- saved him from choking 10 times
1- saved her from drowning 12 times
2- saved her from choking 4 times
...i guess that's why im taking college courses for First Responder ^_^"
1- severe RSV when i was a baby
2- almost got plowed by a diesel in a car
3- bleeding out during knee surgery
As for my siblings...I saved them many times
Brother 2-
1- saved him from drowning See More
2- saved him from choking 7 times
Brother 3-
1- saved him from choking 10 times
1- saved her from drowning 12 times
2- saved her from choking 4 times
...i guess that's why im taking college courses for First Responder ^_^"
on August 18, 2015

(Full Lyrics) - Jekyll And Hyde - Five Finger Death Punch
This video is without song. But these the rhythm lyrics are secured appropriate with the original song.Five Finger Death Punch - Jekyll And Hyde Lyrics. Five...
on August 16, 2015

Silent_Scarlet added a question to the starred list
If you got a tattoo, what would it be of?
on August 16, 2015

Silent_Scarlet added a new chapter to Insanity (1)
Mysterious Man
While in my slightly sane state I felt pressure relieve off my chest with every tear that fell.
'I don't want to be the way I am...I'm scared and I want to cuddle...I want to hug it away...I want to be happy...'
I fell to my knees on the ground then leaned against a tree, hugging my knees as I cried...wept rather.
Then I had heard a slight gasp from an unknown figure.
I didn't bother look up, I just wanted to be alone.
Although...I wanted to be comforted...
"Why are you crying," I heard... Read Full Chapter
'I don't want to be the way I am...I'm scared and I want to cuddle...I want to hug it away...I want to be happy...'
I fell to my knees on the ground then leaned against a tree, hugging my knees as I cried...wept rather.
Then I had heard a slight gasp from an unknown figure.
I didn't bother look up, I just wanted to be alone.
Although...I wanted to be comforted...
"Why are you crying," I heard... Read Full Chapter
on August 12, 2015

Hmm...I've seen this a lot...every like on this I'll confess something no one else in the world knows...or ask a question if you want something specifically answered ^_^"
on August 15, 2015
on August 11, 2015

I love his voice!!!! Especially when he reads scary stories like 911 operator X)
on August 10, 2015
(I've never been this desperate so I blame myself)