Crazy Page: All about you
This is a page where you can post crazy, random nonsense about yourself... and ONLY yourself. No hating on others at all, so yeah. YAY! Enjoy :D
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

When I was small I thought I was going to be this pretty teenage girl. Well too bad small me! Now I'm a teenager and I'm all "I bet I can fit that hole doughnut in my mouth!" -LW

on August 27, 2015
on August 27, 2015

I like to take my sister's stuff and throw it, yelling "SMILE DOG, FETCH!"
on August 22, 2015

I almost drowned... More Times than I can count. An my sister WONDERS why I hate getting wet...
on August 20, 2015

i have slight(jk, huge) anger issues, I cant stand it when people are geographically incorrect, love a simple argument, love the metalliac taste of blood, but not blood itself
on August 19, 2015

I like creepypasta/horror things too much. Don't blame me, Qfeast made me like this and I'm proud f it!
on August 19, 2015

I like Steven Universe too much.
If you don`t know that by now then you got some problems...
If you don`t know that by now then you got some problems...
on August 19, 2015 stomach growls every single time my blood is drawn...(happens even if i had just eaten) pretty positive im masochistic...the only clown i can stand to look at is Laughing Jack...umm...i HATE onions but i LOVE onion rings...i have a weird habit of vampire kissing my boyfriend (good thing he doesnt mind it XD) easily and overly grandmother loves heavy metal like me XD
on August 19, 2015

on August 19, 2015

Once when I was like sleep deprived I started to eat my own sock... It tasted pretty good... I guess... -LW
on August 19, 2015

I want a unicorn that farts rainbow
on August 19, 2015

always wanted my own pet goat, since going to a petting zoo and getting to hold one
on August 19, 2015