on May 07, 2016

I havent been on in a while, the school blocked qfeast on our chromebooks
on February 06, 2016

Felix: *hiding behing a warm pipe in the basement*
on December 09, 2015

Name: Felix Christoffersen
Age: 15
Disorder: multiple personality, schizoaffective, kleptomania, tics
Physical traits: dusty blonde hair, hazel eyes
Personality traits: wrapped in a blanket all the time, hides in secluded spots of the asylum away from people, antisocial
Backstory: was trapped in a collapsed building for weeks until rescued. Family died
Age: 15
Disorder: multiple personality, schizoaffective, kleptomania, tics
Physical traits: dusty blonde hair, hazel eyes
Personality traits: wrapped in a blanket all the time, hides in secluded spots of the asylum away from people, antisocial
Backstory: was trapped in a collapsed building for weeks until rescued. Family died
on December 09, 2015

Hey we should go caroling with like Maggie and Jacob or somepony else
on December 08, 2015

on November 30, 2015