Lightstriker195's Starred Questions
Lightstriker195 has 15 starred questions
Any Ideas for Comedy skits for middle school kids? Do you have any idea (with script) o...

What is the Stupidest Thing you have Ever Heard/Seen/Done? has someone ever said, done,...
What is the most disturbing word you know?
What is your biggest regret?

Is drawing anime easy or hard? I did not draw the picture shown in this question)
if there was no oxygen and you cut yourself would your blood be blue?

if there was a portal and it let you pick any 3 places where would pick? only three pl...

Who's your favorite anime character? Mine would have to be Grell, he's so funny and let...
Qfeast fans: What features would you like to see added next? We can make Qfeast better ...
If you had one potion that would take you to one fandom, which fandom would you choose?...

Why does animal cruelity and child abuse happen? And why? Now, don't call me stupid. I ...

How would you describe Steven Universe to a potential viewer of the show with no prior ...
What is your phobia (darkest fear)?