What is the FUNNEST thing you have ever done? Well?
Answers (25)
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Well it was an awkward silence in school and then all of the sudden I made a really loud yawn and everyone started laughing!

Someone in my class did something similar but he farted.
on April 20, 2015
on May 09, 2012
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The story is long, but it makes me smile even today. When I was at school in the seventh grade, I made a bet that I could make a bad joke, I'm not that kind of person, and I have demonstrated that I can, so I won the bet. The situation was quite funny. I became a little more popular after, haha. :P
on October 23, 2011
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one time i walked into a restroom and yelled at the man: "MOOOOO" at the top of my lungs XD another time in school i was poked by henry.I started dancing weirdly around his desk saying "uhuhuhuhuhuh" akwardly. The teacher walked in and, well, let's say it didn't end well...
on August 01, 2012
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the teacher told us to stop drawing and all the class heard was *squeak squeak squeak squeak* from a marker. *teacher glares at me* i did it your honor! *laughing* i did it on purpose to see wat happen. a detention is the result. this was last week. remember little brats of the world! only do this in 7th grade like me! do try at school!
on April 22, 2018
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Well, this is probably the best stunt I've ever pulled. It was in a public park and I went into the bathroom near the entrance. I bought a coke outside and put it in my jacket pocket before I went I. Well, I went in there and I could hear somebody in the stalls. I felt in my pocket and I had flipping mentos. So I hatched an idea, I unscrewed the lid, put a mentos on the lid, and quickly shut the coke. I then proceed to roll said coke und the stall. And in exact audio, I heard See More " what the ****?" POP! "~squeal~ OMFG ah. It's everywhere, ah!" I heard turds falling, and I knew it was my time to leave after the second "ah" but the timing of pop and splatter of coke on the back wall was just so humorous, after I left I recalled the whole situation and laughed until I cried, and the guys dialogue just made it more perfect.
on January 21, 2016
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I sneezed loudly in the middle of a really really quiet test room. Everyone looked at me like a was a serial killer.
on January 21, 2016
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Shot a basketball but it hit the ring and bounced back and hit my face at like twice the speed. It's not the funniest but still pretty funny
on January 21, 2016
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At lunch I went into my schools lunchroom, dropped to the ground in front of the assistant principal and as loud as I can I scrame"The voices! They won't go away!" For a dare. The assistant principal was PISSED when he found out it was a dare.
on January 21, 2016
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Me: I filled a water balloon with chicken broth and launched it at a house
My sister has two: 1:She calls termites twerkmites.2:Two similar ones: I was doing yoga and she started poking me and I yelled "What do you want?!?"and she says "hi"2: She did it to all of the band members. First ME, then Shyann, Lorelai, Tyler Aiofe, Aaron Joaquin, and me.
Aaron: Slapped his brother in gym class.
Joaquin: gets up in the middle of math class and brushes his teeth with his finger. He wears See More stuff on his nails so he doesn't bite them.
Aiofe: During this girl named Natalie's flute solo, she sucks her penny whistle loudly.
Shyann threw a turd at the house
Danny: Flushed the toilet for no reason
Logan: Flushed a jolly rancher down the toilet
Billy: licked the floor like a moron.
My sister has two: 1:She calls termites twerkmites.2:Two similar ones: I was doing yoga and she started poking me and I yelled "What do you want?!?"and she says "hi"2: She did it to all of the band members. First ME, then Shyann, Lorelai, Tyler Aiofe, Aaron Joaquin, and me.
Aaron: Slapped his brother in gym class.
Joaquin: gets up in the middle of math class and brushes his teeth with his finger. He wears See More stuff on his nails so he doesn't bite them.
Aiofe: During this girl named Natalie's flute solo, she sucks her penny whistle loudly.
Shyann threw a turd at the house
Danny: Flushed the toilet for no reason
Logan: Flushed a jolly rancher down the toilet
Billy: licked the floor like a moron.
on April 20, 2015
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At my friends sleepover, we stayed up watching horror movies until four in the morning, this includes, orphan, four episodes of American horror story asylum, paranormal activity, and mirrors, I don't think listening to the movie while huddled in a corner of the room is counted as watching, but now I know why these were not rated for us, I think after mirrors, I was afrade of getting ready for school in the mirror for a while!
on July 22, 2013
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OMG!!!! Idiot auto correct! Before I meant to write "I am proud to say that I am the first one to answer the question correctly so far.

"O sneer he use toon or reply" this is your new war cry, friend. Shout it proudly
on January 21, 2016
on July 20, 2013
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Oh, I know. My friend's sleep over party! It was so fun!!!! We stayed up until 5:30am, and I was the fir to wake up, at 10 the next morning... We had SOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUUUCH FUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!! And there were only FOUR of us!!!!!
on July 20, 2013
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Going in the bathroom and flushing the toilet for some random reason...that was fun :)
on July 02, 2013
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well..... that would have to be when i was like 10 i put my little brother who was 2 in a dress and i put makeup on him it was so funny! lol
on January 13, 2013
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the second funniest thing i did, was when my sister had a pasta party for softball (hard to explain), i put music on, and this one was sexy and i know it. on the wiggling part, i wiggled. and i dont have a weiner.
on April 12, 2012
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Probably when I tricked my younger sister into believing about the garden monster...hilarious and yes clove I am looking at you!!
on August 05, 2012