What is the Stupidest Thing you have Ever Heard/Seen/Done? has someone ever said, done, or tried something REALLY stupid? Well, post it here!
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I was on the internet reading about the Darwin awards, and apparently one guy got drunk and decided to get into his house by climbing up the drainpipe and entering via the bathroom window. So he climbed up, but then got stuck half-in, half-out of the window. And then he got his head stuck in the sink. So he flailed around a bit and managed to turn the tap on. For some reason, it didn't occur to him to turn it off, so he drowned. HOW THE HECK IS HUMANITY STILL ALIVE, WITH SO MANY See More IDIOTS?
on July 13, 2015
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Stair at the manikins in those stores for no reason. And run screaming from my roomba and jumped on my couch yelling “WHAT IS THAT SCARY THING!?!?” And just cracking my shoulder randomly XD
on December 31, 2021
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Breathing the smell from one of those stupid hotel coffee ground thingies. We all know how that ended...
on August 03, 2016
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Well once I was at a store and I stood behind a manakin for like 15 minutes thinking the manakin was a person and in line
on August 02, 2016
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stupid things ive done: blowing up a balloon with my nose then getting it stuck there
and jumping off a cliff into a lake
and jumping off a cliff into a lake
on May 14, 2016
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Stupidest Thing I Had Ever Heard: Dogs are better than cats
Stupidest thing I had ever done: Many Things
Stupidest thing I had ever seen: Someone PRETENDING to be famous.
Stupidest thing I had ever done: Many Things
Stupidest thing I had ever seen: Someone PRETENDING to be famous.
on December 05, 2015
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When I was texting my mom while riding my bike without a helmet on properly. I cut my lip, chipped my tooth, and embarrassed myself. Oh, and I broke my phone.
on October 28, 2015
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The stupidest thing I can think of people saying is that 'Don't worry, I'm also allergic to Windows.. (puts face on window and now got's big pimple on his face)O:-)
on July 30, 2015