Hope this place never shuts down. I like looking back every now and then and remembering good times...

on January 17, 2018
on June 15, 2017

It's been so long... Does anyone even use this page still?
on August 03, 2016

Sorry that I am not on too often this past year, my losing my laptop hasnt given me an easy way to get on. Ill be on more frequently since school is starting back up now.
on August 03, 2016

Quartz... hey! XD I missed u
on May 29, 2016

I find it funny that the river by my house is at its highest point, since last summer, on 4/20.
on April 21, 2016

Go to: http://iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com/
Go to: http://iloveyoulikeafatladylovesapples.com/

I Love You Like A Fat Lady Loves Apples
Happy Valentine's Day my love. I brought you some apples, eat until your heart's content. A collaboration between Geoffrey Lillemon & Random Studio.
on December 15, 2015

on December 12, 2015

"I think we should have a QfeastCon. And we have to wear necklace tag things with our Qfeast username on it to know who is who. Like if you think this should be official and re~post if you would go!
on December 09, 2015