*sitting in a small metal shack next to the street*

"nerdgasm" xD
on August 29, 2015

(these graphics are giving me a nerdgasm these are so frukking cool!)
on August 29, 2015

on August 29, 2015

on August 29, 2015

on August 29, 2015
on August 29, 2015

Name: Standard Battle Robot X1770 (call him Richard)
Hair color: No hair
Eye color: Electric blue (red when angry)
Top: Polished brass chestpiece covering wires and joints
Bottom: Brass plating along the legs and brass joints
Shoe: Nickel plated foot encasements
Traits: Loves to party, tea, and the inability to feel love. See More
Desc. of Face: post it in the pic
Desc. of Body: post in the pic
Powers: 3.5 million hour ion reactor; the ability to shoot lazer from left eye; enhanced abilities, faster running, higher jumping, etc.
Weapons: Hardened steel and brass sword
Accessories: Monocle, mustache
(picture coming up right after this, then the RP can start!)
Hair color: No hair
Eye color: Electric blue (red when angry)
Top: Polished brass chestpiece covering wires and joints
Bottom: Brass plating along the legs and brass joints
Shoe: Nickel plated foot encasements
Traits: Loves to party, tea, and the inability to feel love. See More
Desc. of Face: post it in the pic
Desc. of Body: post in the pic
Powers: 3.5 million hour ion reactor; the ability to shoot lazer from left eye; enhanced abilities, faster running, higher jumping, etc.
Weapons: Hardened steel and brass sword
Accessories: Monocle, mustache
(picture coming up right after this, then the RP can start!)
on August 29, 2015

on August 29, 2015

Sometime this week, I will upload another picture or two, or 3. Just finished one at 1:48 AM Central. Goodnight Qfeast!
on August 26, 2015

Sie sind das essen und wir sind die jaeger!

If you translate it directly it's food. We turn it into Prey in English to make sense to us.
on August 26, 2015
on August 18, 2015

(to the tune of 'Wish you a merry christmas')
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Please RP with me now?
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Oh how I want to RolePlay
Please RP with me now?
on August 13, 2015

Say: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

on August 13, 2015
on August 13, 2015

on August 10, 2015

on August 09, 2015

on August 08, 2015

on August 08, 2015

This man needs 4 new followers STAT! (HAPPY EARLY HUNDRED (again) BRO)
on August 05, 2015

*asking you about your titan plan*

Live underground. Ya know. Just dig a little tunnel and burrow, then when you reach a safe point, start an underground farm. And build your house a little further up. Then try not to draw attention to yourself.
on July 28, 2015
on July 28, 2015

I'm going to go to sleep early tonight...Oh wait... Is that the sun?
on July 25, 2015