BillCipher asked a question

Should i throw myself off a bridge? so.. this page has been killing me lately, so shoul...
on August 07, 2016

on April 11, 2016

I'm lonely, plz talk to me people
on March 28, 2016

my teachers let me use scratch during class, so, yeah: I made this during class xD https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/99206630/

PART 3 IS DONE!!!! :D (im just gonna fave it) on Scratch
Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. (scratch.mit.edu)
on March 28, 2016

on February 28, 2016

I'll try my cat's name:Angel- Legna
on February 28, 2016

BillCipher added a poll to the starred list
Which Steven Universe mom is best mom?
on February 28, 2016

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Steven_Crewniverse
on February 11, 2016

on November 30, 2015

Go 2 my Profile on Scratch:

Stellarpelt on Scratch
Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. (scratch.mit.edu)
on November 30, 2015