Elleyd's Questions - Page 2
Elleyd asked 42 questions

How do I get people to stop hating me for doing a good thing? So, recently we've been d...

Does anyone out there like maturer movies? I mean movies like Forrest Gump, The Dead Po...

Daddy Issues.... I've been really struggling with my dad lately. We can never talk with...

Should I be worried? So, I have only 6 weeks left of school and then I go to high schoo...

Should I get a tattoo when I'm older? My mom doesn't approve and I always have my doubt...

Who Knows What Beatboxing Is? It's probably one of my favorites genres of music and it'...

Do you have really close friends on qfeast? If so, who are your top three online bffs?

Does anybody play dragonvale? I love dragonvale!!!!

What's your favorite? Idc what it is, just something you really really love!

What is your favorite movie? (1) Mine's The Dead Poets Society!

How do you deal with someone's negative attitude? I've been dealing with someone who is...
Does Acne Make or Break Beauty? I have wicked acne and I feel like if I lost it my self...

Doggy Info? I'm getting a dog, finally!!! If there's anything I need to know, this is t...

Dance or No Dance? He's back! If you've been following me you know i have a crazy relat...

What are you self-conscious about? I know it's personal but I'm going through a rough t...

Acne Issues Does anyone else have really bad acne like me? Mine has gotten to the point...

Persuasion Tactics How do I convince my dad to get me a dog? (if you need more info on ...

The Doggy Question So I've always wanted a dog like most kids but I've never been able ...

things have changed.... Sooo anyone who has followed me probably knows about a confusin...