things have changed.... Sooo anyone who has followed me probably knows about a confusing relationship I am having with another boy. this year we're in different schools and hardly ever see each other in real life (we FaceTime every weekend); we text more than ever now (we had a major fight and he sent me this letter that almost made me cry it was sooo beautiful); now he's asked me to a dance and i of course i said yes; ive missed him for long and i was desperate to see him. so we're going together STRICTLY as friends. but i feel so much closer to him than a best friend but we've dated before and i broke up with him. Do i get back together with him/ make a move at the dance or just maintain our intense friendship?
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Hi. I have a boyfriend myself. Its not easy with long distance relationships, but I promise that if you wait for a move from him, you'll stay friends or even be more again. Listen, don't be too shy. Talk, and if you get the chance like Gooderham said, give him a kiss ;). It might feel awkward though if he doesn't feel the same way! I say, go for it! But don't take it personally if things don't go the way you intended.;)

thanks for your advice but im avoiding kissing him; knowing him it would make things worse... :(
on February 20, 2014
on February 19, 2014
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Hi! I think at this dance, you need to take him somewhere in private. Just say how much you regret dumping him and that he means so much to you. And if he looks hopeful (You'll be able to tell) I would spontaneously kiss him. Please have enought courage to do this! I have faith in you! :)
on December 09, 2013