Daddy Issues.... I've been really struggling with my dad lately. We can never talk without getting into an all-out fight. I now avoid him and never stop complaining about him. My mom is sick and tired of us fighting but I don't know what to do. He refuses to think he isn't perfect and when ever you challenge that he will BLOW UP. There's nothing I can do to talk to him without him totally crushing me....
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Like everybody else, I suggest giving him some time. Then, talk to him about it. Don't challenge him or say anything like, "You're not perfect," even though he isn't. After talking to him about it, give him a hug and ask him what's going on in life. Changing the subject is good after this, even though you should talk to him about it.

I also suggest you help him with chores, like doing the dishes, or give him a massage.

Ok thank you :)
on August 30, 2014
on August 29, 2014
on August 29, 2014
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Give him time...let him be alone, away from everything, it should get rid of all the weight.
on July 26, 2014
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I'm sorry :( do you know what started all the blowing up more lately? (Sorry couldn't think of a better word for it I know it's not funny)

....maybe leave him alone for a bit (he's probably stressed out with trying to earn money for two people) not great advice sorry

It's finances and work and me and my mom and other crap the house and all this random crap that just never ceases to stop bothering him.... He's never been the happiest guy but it got really bad 4 yrs ago when my mom quit her job and started her own company....
on July 07, 2014

*virtual hug* I'm really sorry. :( I know it's hard dealing with parents. All things are possible with God though. (Ok i'll stop preaching sorry)
Do you think it's his work? When did this start?
Do you think it's his work? When did this start?
on July 06, 2014

Ok, but I have listened; I have talked; I have done everything I can that I can think of but nothing works!
on July 06, 2014

One of the youth leaders from my church is leaving and he's like a big brother to me :( surprisingly I cried (I don't cry where people can see if I can help it)
on July 06, 2014

As in he needs peace, as in internally. If you're feeling brave, go and ask him why he's angry. Whatever he says, if he blames you or your mum, if he shouts, if he yells and rants, just listen.
on July 06, 2014

:( maybe he needs a reminder of how much people value him. Including God. (Ok I'm not bible bashing) My uncle used to be a horrible grumpy dad and always yelling at his kids. He became a Christian and he's nicer now, quieter, likes my brother. Is this just his work or what?
on July 06, 2014

(No I need this) I haven't seenhim truly happy for a while. And I don't mean just laughing at a joke, I mean really happy and carefree.
on July 06, 2014

Sorry. When was the last time you saw him happy? Or not angry at least. (If this is bad for you tell me to piss off)
on July 06, 2014

on July 05, 2014
on May 04, 2014
on May 04, 2014
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look him in the eyes and say I love you and I no longer want to fight.

I felt exactly the same way honey.

Ohh I get it ^o^ any way just don't try to hard some things take time. Nothing heals over time it just make things easier.
on July 15, 2014

Just try to fade into the background. If it's not easy give it another try do what makes you happy until he is happy and then come back feeling better. But don't lose hope every mess can be wiped up:)
on July 15, 2014

on July 15, 2014

Well I tried to talk and so did my mom and we did exactly what you said then my dad told me he was done talking to me and stormed out of the room
on July 15, 2014

We are doing a lot better. :) and you just all need to keep calm in that talk. All families have ups and down so if and when you talk don't expect things to be perfect
on July 15, 2014
on July 15, 2014

Just do what he says. If your a good girl, he will have nothing to blame you for. I had the same issues trust me. It's what my mom told me to do. Good luck. ❤️
on July 13, 2014
on May 03, 2014
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Tell your mom. If he is doing this he is just being a concieted little jerk.
on May 03, 2014