Chapter 11: Training With Uncle Freddy PART II

Uncle Freddy was in pain for almost ten minutes until he finally decided to stand up and walk it off.
"Sorry about that Uncle Freddy. I was just trying out the weak spots you told me about.", I said.
Uncle Freddy let out a groan, but laughed afterwards. "Told you they work."
I giggled and just then, a pipe had burst and steam had poured out. I turned to Uncle Freddy.
"Time to go home now; training is over.", Uncle Freddy said.
I nodded and took off my fedora hat. I wiped the sweat off my forehead with my sleeve and felt myself being picked up. Uncle Freddy held me in his arms and told me to close my eyes again. I obeyed and wrapped my arms around Uncle Freddy's neck while clutching my hat. Just then, the wind picked up from around me and I felt like I was flying. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in Uncle Freddy's shoulder. It felt like the wind was about to rip my skin off until then, I felt warm air. I lifted up my head and opened my eyes.
"We're home kiddo.", Uncle Freddy said, setting me down. I smiled and looked around to see that I was in Uncle Freddy's room from earlier. I put my fedora hat on and walked out of the room with Uncle Freddy following behind. I heard talking and laughter coming from down the stairs. I smiled and rushed over towards the stairs. As soon as I took a step down, wind slapped me in the face and I looked up to see Jeepers Creepers swoop up and crawl on the ceiling.
"Oh great, here comes the pet of the family.", I heard Uncle Freddy groaned.
I rolled my eyes at what he said and looked up at Jeepers Creepers and smiled. I waved up at him. Jeepers Creepers huffed in response and swoop down the stairs. I smiled and ran down after him. I jumped off the last step and ran into the living room. I saw my dad sitting on the couch along with Uncle Michael and Uncle Pinhead.
Uncle Leatherface, Uncle Chucky and Glen were all playing the Xbox. I smiled and ran over towards my dad.
"Dad!", I smiled.
My dad looked at me and before he could say anything, I chocked him into the biggest hug I could ever give. My dad patted and rubbed my back.
How was the training sweetie?, my dad asked.
I looked up at him and nodded. My dad starred at me for the longest moment and raised my right hand up to examine the glove Uncle Freddy had given me. Then, he dropped my hand and took off the fedora hat from my head.
"How was training love?" Uncle Pinhead asked.
I smiled at him and nodded. "It was great; Uncle Freddy taught me a lot."
"Like what?"
"How to fight and he showed me some moves where to hit and stab the victims target places.", I replied with a smile.
Just then, Uncle Freddy walked into the room, holding an ice pack to his crotch. He took a seat on the recliner and took off his hat.
"Target places huh?", Uncle Pinhead smirked. "Hey Fred, did Ashley kick you in your target place?"
Everyone stopped and looked at Uncle Freddy and laughed. Uncle Freddy rolled his eyes and stuck his middle finger up at Uncle Pinhead.
"You'll be surprised at what she learned from me today. She can fight now. She kicked my ass like two or three times in a row.", Uncle Freddy laughed. I smiled and sat on my dad's lap. My dad was quiet all of a sudden as he looked down at my glove ad fedora hat.
"Are you ok dad?", I asked.
My dad looked up at me and nodded. Dad turned his head from me and turned his attention to the others playing the Xbox. I took my hat and glove back from my dad and replaced them back on. I played with the blades on my glove. I loved the sound they made when I flexed them and moved them against each other. Uncle Freddy must of notice this as I heard him chuckle. I looked over at him and he gave me a wink. I slid off my dad's lap and walked over to Uncle Freddy.
He saw me coming and he sat up and repositioned himself in the recliner.
"Uncle Freddy?", I asked. "What would the dream world be like?"
"It'll be a whole new other world for you Ash. When we do go, you must stay close by. Don't go wandering off because there are others in the dream world that are ready to snatch and kill little girls like you.", Uncle Freddy said.
I cocked my eyebrow. "There are other's like you?", I asked.
Uncle Freddy shrugged. "Could be. You never know, but I don't think that we want to find out now do we?"
I shook my head. "Not really."
Uncle Freddy let out a chuckle and rubbed my head with his free hand. He then leaned up and kissed my forehead. I was taken back at this, but I let him. I never heard or saw this side of Uncle Freddy before. He might be mean and cruel on the outside, but I guess he can be sweet on the inside.
"I'm proud of you Ashley. You did really good today; really good."
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Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More there are very few haters on qfeast, and soon, there will be non:-B
google translate for a putain de surprise.
Tête de merde