Chapter 11: Training With Uncle Freddy PART 1

I smiled.
"Freddy.", Aunt Esther cut in. "She's your only niece."
"I know, that's why she's my favorite.", Uncle Freddy laughed.
I smiled and stood up from my seat and walked over to my dad. "Dad?", I asked.
My dad looked down at me in response.
"Would you train me tomorrow? And then Uncle Michael could train me the day after."
My dad thought for a moment and nodded. I smiled and reached over and gave him a hug. Then, I ran off after Uncle Freddy as he led the way up the stairs.
"What are you going to teach me Uncle Freddy?", I asked.
"You'll soon find out.", he called over his shoulder. I followed him towards his room and he walked inside. I followed him and looked around to see that his room was painted a dark green with paintings of children playing, hung on the wall. His bed was decorated in a dark red and black design comforter along with red matching pillows. He walked over to a desk that stood on the other side of the room and opened one of the drawers. He pulled out his glove and turned to me.
"Catch.", he said as he threw the glove at me.
I caught it with two hands and looked down at it. I ran my fingers over the blades and notices a little bit of dried blood smeared on the edges of the blades. I turned the glove over and slipped my right hand inside. Once my hand was in, I flexed my fingers and watched the blades move in a swift manner. I smiled and started moving my hand up in down in slashing movements as I began to pretend that I was slashing something. Just then, a chuckle interrupted my thoughts and I stopped what I was doing and looked up to see Uncle Freddy smiling down at me.
"Like it?", he asked.
I looked at the glove and back up at him. I nodded. "Yeah."
"I made it myself. Comes pretty handy too.", Uncle Freddy smirked.
I took the glove off and handed it back to him. Uncle Freddy slipped it on and stretched his arms out. I wondered why he done that until I realized his clothes changed. He had his stiff red/green sweater on, along with a pair of his dirty brown pants, black shoes and his fedora hat. I looked down to see that I was still in my clothes from last night, but I didn't care. I wasn't in the mood for changing anyway.
"So where we going to train at?", I asked.
"There's two places, but we can only train at one place per day. There's my boiler room and then there's the dream world, which is my favorite, where all the nightmares and action takes place."
"Um.", I thought for a moment. "What would you be training me in the dream world?"
"To kill. Uncle Freddy is going to teach you step by step on how to kill a victim in their sleep. I promise you kiddo, if your ever going to go out to kill your enemy, the best way to do it is in their sleep."
I thought of Uncle Freddy killing someone in their sleep, but quickly push the thought away.
"What would you be training me in the boiler room?", I asked.
"To fight. When it comes to killing your victim, there will always come a time where a fight would break out. You ever heard of the phrase called, A fight to the Death?"
I thought for a moment and nodded.
"Well, there you go. Your fighting to the death with your enemy. The enemy is fighting in order to survive and your fighting in order to kill.", Uncle Freddy said.
I nodded my head, taking in everything that Uncle Freddy said.
"Now, with that said, today's training will be learning to fight. You think your ready?"
I thought for a moment and nodded my head. "I'm ready."
Uncle Freddy smirked down at me and leaned down to pick me up. "Close your eyes."
I did as I was told and closed my eyes. No sound was made, but there was rush of wind that hit me like a ton of bricks. I clutched onto Uncle Freddy as the wind got stronger. I wondered what was happening and before I knew it, it stopped.
"Are you ok?", I heard Uncle Freddy ask.
I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. We were in the boiler room. I looked at Uncle Freddy and nodded my head. He sat me down and fixed his glove. I stood up and watched as he walked over towards a pipe and ran his blades over it. Sparks flew from the pipes as he did that. Uncle Freddy stopped with his blades and walked back over towards me.
"Wait.", he said, looking down at me. "Your not really dress in order to fight."
I looked down at my clothes and cocked my eyebrow. What was the difference? They were just clothes. Just then, with a swift of Uncle Freddy's blade, my clothes changed and something landed on top of my head. I looked down and saw myself in a pair of brown pants, black shoes and a red/green sweater. I reached my hand up and took off whatever was on my head. I looked down and saw a fedora hat that was similar to Uncle Freddy's. I gasped. I looked back down at myself again and smiled. Uncle Freddy dressed me up like him.
"Now your ready to fight.", Uncle Freddy chuckled.
I smiled and put the fedora hat back on. I stood in front of Uncle Freddy and waited for him to make the first move. He looked down at me and he looked sort of puzzled.
"What's wrong?", I asked.
"Your missing something. But what though? Awh! That's it!", Uncle Freddy exclaimed. Uncle Freddy snapped his head back. I wondered why he done that and that was when I felt something on my right hand. I looked down and saw something shiny. I lifted my hand up and gasped. On my right hand was Uncle Freddy's blade glove. Only this one was smaller so that it would fit perfectly on my hand. I smiled. Uncle Freddy made a glove just for me.
"Now your ready to fight.", Uncle Freddy smirked.
Uncle Freddy smirked and wiggled one of his blade finger at me. "Give me your best shot girly."
I looked at the glove and then back at Uncle Freddy. I smiled and ran full speed towards Uncle Freddy. He didn't move or anything. I stopped and sliced his stomach; at least I think I did. My blades left slash marks in his worn out sweater. Uncle Freddy looked down at me and chuckled. Then before I knew it, I was flying back into the pipes as Uncle Freddy hit me. I hit my back hard against the pipe and fell to the floor with a thud. I groaned in pain and rolled over on my back.
"Come on Ash, you gotten be tougher and faster than that.", I heard Uncle Freddy say.
I let out a groan and felt myself being lifted. I looked up see Uncle Freddy helping me up. He knelt down to my level so that we were face to face.
"Remember Ashley, whenever your fighting your enemy, you must be quick and fast and tough. If your enemy picked up and threw you the way I did, you got to ignore the pain and get up fast and fight back. You got to give it your all kiddo.", Uncle Freddy said, tilting my hat so he can see my eyes.
I held back the tears that were coming and sighed. I reached my hand back to rub my back. I took in what Uncle Freddy said and nodded my head as he waited for a response. Uncle Freddy rubbed my arms and stood back up.
"Uncle Freddy?", I asked. "If I ever do fight, would you and my dad and the others be there with me or would it just be me and my enemy alone?"
"It depends Ash; it all depends. Like for example, if you hated a person and wanted to kill them, that's your business; that's your kill, but if someone from out of nowhere tried to harm you, then yes, I would be there."
I nodded my head, trusting Uncle Freddy's words. I held up my glove with a smirk. "Ready for another round Uncle?"
Uncle Freddy looked down at me and held up his glove also. "Ready.", he smirked.
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Princess, sorry, I dont like writing people's names wrong:p
And 'princes' Chloe, you need go to MariaJohnson's page, just one bad comment from her, and a whole army of qfeasters just attacked, so I suggest you learn your lesson, because See More there are very few haters on qfeast, and soon, there will be non:-B
google translate for a putain de surprise.
Tête de merde