A new prince rises
Flash sighs and goes to the kitchen to get breakfast, he reads the newspaper, "ah I see news gets around fast. Princess Lauren's arrival is in here." There's a knock on the door, "I'll get it." Yells Flame. "Dad it's Princess Lily." Flash goes to the door, princess Lilly speaks, "may I have a privet word with you." Flash nods and leads princess Lilly to his room. "Are the rumours true." Flash looks puzzled, princess Lilly continues, "there's rumours of you being royalty." Flash replies, "oh that.. He he, you see it depends what you've herd." Princess Lilly looks confused, "what do you mean depends what I have herd. Are you royalty." Flash sheepishly replies, "I guess I am as my nana is Princess Luaran and my 2 Aunties are Princess Luna and Princess Celestia." Princess Lilly looks dazed, she then replies, "I can't believe we've known each other since foal-care and you never told me." Flashes ears go back, "I. I. You see. It. I wanted to live life normally." Princess Lilly replies, "would you want to be royalty but live life as you do now." Flash nods. After a short silence princess Lilly says, "why don't you, I mean there's now rule against it. Oh and what are you Prince of." Flash answers, "I'm prince if Critters, you are princess of the earth an I am prince of the inhabitance. But I got my cutie mark before I found I was royalty." Princess Lilly nods, after a chat Princess Lilly leaves.
Daisy walks in, "did you hear that PP and Pat are gonna take the foals out tonight... That mean we have the WHOLE house to ourself." Flash smiles, it's been so long since we had the house to ourself. What ideas do you have." Daisy walks around flash, "oh I have a few ideas that will last most if the night." Flash watches her then gazes at her flank. Daisy smiles, "I have a spa date with Dash and Lilly I will see you tonight." Flash kisses her and she leaves.
Flash goes to the lounge, "PP, pat, I'm gonna visit Twilight." The mares nod and PP speaks, "don't be back to late as Pat, me, and the foals are going out tonight." Flash nods and heads out the door. Flash launches into the air and flies to Ponyville.
As Flash nears Ponyville he sees a chariot coming from the Castle, flash thinks, 'I wonder who is coming to Ponyville.' Flash stops mid-flight as he nearly flies into Fluttershy. Flash Lands in Ponyville as one of the Princesses steps out, Princess Celestia goes talks with Fluttershy and Twilight, Princess Lund looks at Flash and nods. Flash goes over to Princess Luna, Luna speaks, "would you like us to announce it." Flash nods approvingly. Princess Luna goes to Princess Celestia and whispers in her ear. Then both turn to the herd of ponies, Princess Luna addresses them, "Mares and Gentlecolts I am glad to announce the name of a new prince." She looks at Flash then continues, "Prince Flash." Both Princesses walk up to Flash, Celestia speaks, "This Alicorn is Prince of critters, as I am of the earth." "And to show how much he cares for all of you he lives in a normal house. Not a castle." Luna adds. All the ponies look at Flash, Flash speaks, "I think that even though I'm a Prince, why should I live in such a fancy house when I could live like those who I adore and look after." The whole town erupt with cheer and the Mane 6(well RD isn't there) chant "Long Live Prince Flash." As the Princesses Give Flash there blessings. Twilight goes up to Flash, "Wow Flash, A prince living a normal life, I myself love living in a normal house." Flash smiles, "Twilight I came to talk with you, in privet." She nods and leads Flash to her tree.
When they are inside flash speaks, "Iv come to talk to you about Lauren." Twilight nods and Flash continues, "She's Princess of all Matter, and for her, Luna, and Celestia Me an some if my Friends are planning a party." Twilight smiles, Spike walks in, "sorry to bother you two but Twilight I finished alphabetising the whole library. Could I go and see Rarity." Twilight smiles and nods, then turns to Flash, "A Party, who's invited." Flash replies, "All the royals, including yourself, Friends of the royals, and Scootaloo with her friends and mother." Twilight half frowns, "Ah Scootaloo doesn't know her mother. The Filly was found in a box." Flash smiles, "She was reunited." Flashes smile Turns to Sadness, "My Father Reunited them on his deathbed, He was sharing a room with her." Twilight softy comforts flash, "I'm sorry about him. Daisy told me about your father." Flash nods. Twilights clock rings, Flash looks at it, "it's 5o'clock already. I better get home Daisy will be waiting for me." Twilight Smiles, "ok, nice chatting with you... You better teleport yourself home or away from Ponyville. Your a Prince now after all." flash hugs Twilight then teleports himself to the edge if Maneton.
Flash Flies home, as he Glide down onto the front yard he sees the mares and foals head off.
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