Pony pals

As the train set of Flash said to the mare "hi, I'm flash. I'm from cloud land" The mare replied "hi, I'm daisy I'm from Pegton". "Where are you going?" Flash questioned daisy, "to Maneton" daisy says "and you?" Flash chuckles "to Maneton too", the two Pegasus start talking. The train jerks to a hult, " hoofbay stop for those going to hoofbay. next stop Maneton" says the speaker, half the ponies in the carriage hop off. The train jerks and sets off again. "Maybe we could look around Maneton together" daisy announced. Flash responds, "sure, it would be nice to not go alone". Daisy and Flash smile at each other. The train attendant comes and says "excuse me ma'am, sir. would u like any refreshments?"
Daisy says "yes may I have a small salt lick please" "and I'll have some hey please" adds Flash. "That'll be €25 for the salt lick and €30 for the hey" says the attendant "I can't afford it" says daisy. "No worries, I'll pay for them" says Flash and pays the attendant. Daisy began to thank him when Flash interrupts her "no need to thank me", they both chatted about what they were gonna do in Maneton till the train arrived at Maneton station.
"All for Maneton this is your stop, next stop Pony Palace" said the speaker. As daisy and flash hoped off the train they looked around in amazement, as they walked down the road they saw a purple pony and Flash asked "excuse me ma'am, do you know where the main hall is?" The pony replied "sure! It's the big Green building. You can't miss it" "thanks" flash said. As they head to the hall they see a filly being bullied, "hey" says daisy sternly "why are you bulling her for" a colt replies "cause she's a blank flank and.. Ow!" A filly elbows him. "We'll that's not nice" Flash Says as he remembers being a colt. The colts and fillys run off. Soon a Yellow stallion comes and says "thank you" to daisy and flash, then gently says to the filly "gem are you ok?" Gem wines " I want to have a cutie mark. I don't wanna be a blank flank" flash looks at the filly and says "what's so bad about a blank flank? It just mean you will have a vary special cutie mark one day" "your right" sniffs Gem. "Thanks, hey are you two new to Maneton?" says the yellow stallion" "anytime" Flash replies, daisy replies "yes", "well welcome to Maneton, enjoy your day" the yellow stallion says as Flash and Daisy enter the hall.
"Hello there" says a grey pony "welcome to Maneton, I'm mayor Grey" "my name is flash" replies flash "and I'm Daisy" daisy adds. "I'll give you a tour of Maneton" the mayor insists, "ok" daisy and Flash reply. After the tour mayor gray says "unfortunately there is only 1 house left, it's nice, it's a 2 bed room. You don't mind do you?" "No, not at all" Daisy says. Flash replies "I don't mind". Soon both Pegasus are tired they farewell mayor grey and head to there new home. When they get there and have a look around Flash says "you can have the large room with the on sweet" daisy thanks him and they both hit the hey.
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Again plz feel free to comment what you think, this is my 1st story so I'd like as much info to help with my next book. ;)