Do you have a Question for any Gem? (Steven Universe) This is basically where you ask a question for any gem known in the Universe and a Gem will answer it. Please, say exactly who this question is for. (This is non-cannon/non-official. This is just a little side project a fan wanted to do.)
Answers (3)
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Amethyst, Where Did You Get Fire Salt From? I could REALLY use some.

Amethyst: "Umm, I made it. And no, you cannot have any. I don`t think your pranks are good enough for MY firesalt."
on July 02, 2015
on July 02, 2015
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Is there any male gems other that stephen?
I mean, he is only half gem. If there is, when do will we get to see them in the show
Is there any male gems other that stephen?
I mean, he is only half gem. If there is, when do will we get to see them in the show

Pearl: "Well, Gems are genderless. We just use female pronouns to describe us."
-Looks around-
Pearl: "The only exception, is of course, Steven because he`s half human."
-Looks around-
Pearl: "The only exception, is of course, Steven because he`s half human."
on July 01, 2015
on July 01, 2015
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Garnet, why are people spamming qfeast with Steven Universe stuff? Why can't they just find other things? What makes Steven Universe so superior over everything else?
What's This Spam For?
What's This Spam For?

You didn't answer my question, Garnet. What's this spam for? What are y'all trying to do?

on July 01, 2015
on July 01, 2015

Garnet: "Cause this show is awesome...."
-Room goes silent-
Garnet: "Now I got to go to the bottom of the ocean on a mission."
-Room goes silent-
Garnet: "Now I got to go to the bottom of the ocean on a mission."
on July 01, 2015
on July 01, 2015