How did you discover your sexuality? I discovered mine when i started looking at pictures of pretty women and had a crush on my friend (which i moved on from) so how did you discover yours?
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I ended up having a crush on a girl, but I also liked guys and I knew that for a fact. I called myself bi, before realizing that I honestly don't give one shit about gender.
Now I call myself Pansexual.
Now I call myself Pansexual.

on October 07, 2020
on May 18, 2016
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I guess...I just...like guys?
This question was probably meant for those who aren't hetero XD
This question was probably meant for those who aren't hetero XD
on April 24, 2016
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I stil don’t really know mine...
I have a few chrushs on guys from books but nothing like my friend does. I find various pics of guys cute. I have a chrush on a female actor/character. My favorite characters are always girls. What do you think?
I have a few chrushs on guys from books but nothing like my friend does. I find various pics of guys cute. I have a chrush on a female actor/character. My favorite characters are always girls. What do you think?
on May 10, 2018
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I ended up kissing another guy at a party and I was crushing on a girl so yeah. I found out at a party that I am bi
on May 09, 2018
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i called myself straight for awhile and then i saw some boobs and then i saw her bro. now i call myself bi
on October 15, 2020
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i've always been attracted to girls. i never really got that talk// growing up, because my parents just assumed i would figure it out by myself (which i did not too long after the first grade came around). my mom's side of the family is super christian, but i only ever hung out around my grandparents, and even though they don't support the lgbt community, they never talked about it because they didn't want to influence me, i guess. i had crushes on many boys but it felt forced, See More like maybe i didn't really have a crush on them, i just forced myself to pretend like i did because i wanted to be accepted by my friends and family for not being attracted to women. i also had crushes on many girls, but they felt more REAL than the crushes i had on men. i didn't feel awkward or weird about myself whenever i caught myself daydreaming about a pretty girl i saw from another class. i finally figured out i was a lesbian whenever i was in the third grade, but i doubted myself, so i labeled myself as a bisexual and began dating a guy named mason who ended up leaving me for one of my friends named coriander. fourth grade came around and i began calling myself a lesbian, and i became a teeny tiny bit more comfortable in my skin. i dealed with a bunch of comphet in the fifth and sixth grade and began calling myself bicurious once again. i labeled myself a lesbian in the transition from 6th to 7th grade summer and it stuck until i began questioning my gender. i'm fine now, though, i'm a lesbian and proud and i'm out to my parents. i still struggle with comphet and questioning my gender, but for the most part i have myself figured out. i have an amazing girlfriend too. :)
i forgot to mention the fattest crush i had on ruffnut from how to train your dragon LOL
on October 14, 2020
on October 14, 2020
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One of my best friends told me she had a crush on me, and at first I didn't know, but as I went on I realized I liked her back.
on October 01, 2020
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I had a crush on my best girl friend and we both had boyfriends- so yea- when we broke up with our bfs we got together then the boys came back and we broke up- but we may or may not have had a secret romance during that-
on September 29, 2020
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I Discovered mine how i just always liked Guys,Not girls not boys and girls,Just Guys,That's how i knew...But this may change as i Get older
on May 10, 2018
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well i was young(5 years old) and i was with my bestfriend which is my best friend still and me and she were hanging out and i went to the toilet and she followed me and when i came out of the bathroom she saw a glimpse of my dick and when we came back to watch tv she asked to see my dick again and then i asked to her pussy and she did show me then the next day we went behind a car and she asked me to show her my dick and she would me her pussy so we did then she said that if See More touched her pussy she would touch my dick and so we did then we continued daily for about 1-2 weeks after my mum found us doing it until two years ago (i was 10) me and her met in summer vacationshe whispered in my ear "want to have sex?" cuz we knew what sex was at that age so she pulled got a carpet we went inside we changed in some thing and wore to underpants and we started by her sucking my dick and then me licking her pussy then we had sex...most amazing experience ever...so thats how i found out my sexuality
on May 07, 2018
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I don't know my sexuality yet, because I like good looking women but at the same time, friend of mine showed me a video of two malemfurries mind you, get it on the six in the mon'. But it was animated, and the bad thing is I liked it, so I really don't know my sexuality
on May 31, 2017
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I originally liked guys and thought they were cute, but then I opened my mind to liking girls. I stopped telling myself that the feelings I was having to this girl were wrong, and allowed myself to like her. Of course, she rejected me, but we're still friends! :3
on May 27, 2017
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Well,I'm stright,I know that much,but a friend of mine had said eailer last year that she thought I may be dmisexual or just asexual seeing how I beraly showed any intrest in guys and dating.I honestly feel she may be right,but I'm not offical saying I am yet.
on April 24, 2016
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I found girls more attractive than boys, and girls are better at understanding. I'm still attracted to both, though.
on April 24, 2016
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As a kid, I thought I was straight and still didn't understand I had feelings for females until I was fifteen, (still not out to all my fam, but they would not support). I had a crush on my best friend, and she never new lmao. Anyway before I knew, I was just watching kim posible as a kiddo and saw Shergo and little ol' me was just like, 'marry me' then my brain blocked out those feelings until I was fifteen and now i'm a pan
on October 12, 2020
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I discovered mine by... Just finding it
Edit: honestly, I just kinda never liked anyone and no one peaked my interest except two very special cases (these two were like my super bestest buds) and I kinda developed romantic interest after like a long time
Edit: honestly, I just kinda never liked anyone and no one peaked my interest except two very special cases (these two were like my super bestest buds) and I kinda developed romantic interest after like a long time
on October 04, 2020
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I found out I was attracted to women, then I dated one and found out I really liked women.

on September 30, 2020
on September 30, 2020
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Well for a while I thought I was bi. I liked guys and mainly had a crush on them, but I dated a girl named Kira once. Eventually, we broke up, and I kinda decided that I was more into guys than girls, and decided I was straight.
on May 28, 2017