Fuhuhu! So it seems I return... welp I prolly wont be active anymore after this but if any friends wish to stay in contact my Discord is: azzyissickofazure#7691
Insta is @god.of.strange
Discord is where you'll most likely catch me lol either way I had a blast while I was here (most the time at least this place was my escape and where I met some of the coolest people I know now!)
Take care of yourselves out there! And remember self care and mental health are important don't neglect See More them if you need something or just wanna chat just shoot me a message ? I'll get back 99% of the time but for now. I'll see everyone on the flipside ?
Insta is @god.of.strange
Discord is where you'll most likely catch me lol either way I had a blast while I was here (most the time at least this place was my escape and where I met some of the coolest people I know now!)
Take care of yourselves out there! And remember self care and mental health are important don't neglect See More them if you need something or just wanna chat just shoot me a message ? I'll get back 99% of the time but for now. I'll see everyone on the flipside ?

Well that was a nearly a year and now I return like a plague killing half of the globe
on August 27, 2022

okay bye!
on December 04, 2021
on December 04, 2021

on August 19, 2021

Mmm may start from scratch here... but Im too lazy to delete everything ?
on August 19, 2021

Hello everyone! How is everyone this lovely Wednesday? ?

Oh also my Bio has been updated if that's important to you, may wanna check it out
on August 19, 2021
on August 19, 2021

on August 06, 2021

Hey all who is actually still following me, I'm not really gonna be too active on here because It actually improves my mental health drastically!
But for those who were worried I am alright and I have been doing some soul searching and wanna actually do better for once rather than be like either of my parents. I may occasionally post a drawing of my characters but thats all but by all means if you wanna stay in touch I can give you my email or like my socials that I am most active. See More
Hope all is okay with my friends here and such...
- Sammi
But for those who were worried I am alright and I have been doing some soul searching and wanna actually do better for once rather than be like either of my parents. I may occasionally post a drawing of my characters but thats all but by all means if you wanna stay in touch I can give you my email or like my socials that I am most active. See More
Hope all is okay with my friends here and such...
- Sammi
on May 04, 2021