the gatcha character you are if u would like to rate this a 5 please do so lol, have a nice quiz.yay bluemoon_girl published on August 19, 2021 Stacked 1/5 pick what u would like to be but this will not decide your fate emo mix angry weirdo happy 2/5 what would u do in ur free time kill sleep 3/5 whats your favourite colour? Black Blue green red or orange 4/5 l what is your opinion on the world ending yay, who cares this is scientificly imposssible bla bla bla i have to go on a killing spree well ill go say goodbye to my family i need to say bye to my family and go on a killing spree but then who cares 5/5 what do u do in lockdown get the fresh air outside sit in ur room and cry all day go kill people for doing the wrong thing like stepping on ur lawn have an imaginary friend u play with other