Death will take its toll on the survivors, but at least I still have pizza. See yall again in 3 years.
on March 15, 2024

knock knock knock that's the sound of a notification

>can't press enter to post
>chat just down to up
The post system on this site is a nightmare
>chat just down to up
The post system on this site is a nightmare
on February 13, 2022
on February 13, 2022

Ew it's only been a year
I'll disappear again I'm just randomly scrolling though my page.
I'll disappear again I'm just randomly scrolling though my page.
on February 13, 2022

Tis time for me to request account deletion, goodbye.
on March 26, 2021

I'm in this wholesome server my little brother made, and I'm one of the admins there so I mod what people are doing. Rarely active but every now and then a random person will summon the banana king and that's cool I guess. I keep tabs of what people post on my notifs, if it's inappropriate instant remove.
on March 26, 2021

Pretty sure I saw someone screeching by my vehicle and I'm kind of scared to leave my car. That was a tad bit disturbing...
on March 26, 2021

Ngl my boyfriend makes me very happy, like no amount of words can describe how happy he makes me.

on March 26, 2021
on March 26, 2021

People hate that I'm team Mystic but like... I chose it because it's blue. Why hate me when I chose for a f'ucking color :/
on March 25, 2021

My boyfriend: *telling me how much he loves me*
Me: But what if I-
My Boyfriend: No, don't start that
Me: What-
Alex: Shhhhhh
Me: But what if I-
My Boyfriend: No, don't start that
Me: What-
Alex: Shhhhhh
on March 25, 2021

If Chat dies in the new season coming out I'm screaming. I've heard rumors about it and I physically cannot.
on March 23, 2021

on March 23, 2021

I'm pretending to do lab work in my lab when I have no idea whats going on.
on March 23, 2021

Don't make fun of schizophrenia it's not funny. A family member of mine suffers from it, and it's a serious illness.

Okay, did I do something...? I don't think that I did but just to be sure...? @Irrelevant
on March 23, 2021
on March 23, 2021

Idk why but I feel like my nose piercing is healing rather quick (no it's not completely healed).
on March 22, 2021

on March 22, 2021

I got my first hate comment on tiktok

you'll choose a goddamn gender when the world ends
and even then you'll never choose-
and even then you'll never choose-
on March 22, 2021
on March 22, 2021