AM I CRAZY/GOING CRAZY???!!! Well here are some things about me: 1. I like the way I look. Like in a slightly vain way. 2. I think aliens are real. 3. I also think that someone like the Doctor could also be real. 4. I believe in werewolves and want to be one. 5. Or a Time Lord. 6. BRING BRING 7. I act an awful lot like the 10th Doctor without quite meaning to. 8. I think bowties are cool. 9. I talk to my cat. 10. I name everything- even my bed is named Brenda for some reason. I promise you, whatever you may think, I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. Please just tell me whether I'm mad or not because sometimes I seriously freak myself out. Thanks :)
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i talk to my cat but hes Siamese so yea he talks back, but i don't think naming a bed is vary normal...

Oh thanks :(
on November 14, 2013
on October 01, 2013
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Well, one only has to talk and look at you to see you're not mad. As for aliens, my dad said you can't prove the negative, meaning that as far as we know, there isn't aliens, but we can't prove it's not out there. So like a neutral thing.
on September 27, 2013
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on August 24, 2013
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not crazy at all,I'm kinda like you.i do sometimes act like the doctor mostly when I'm solving a problem and I've named some Pokemon figures so if I'm not crazy than your not crazy.:)
on August 24, 2013
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No. but on tuesday i heard there was a crazy internet shut down on like cox and stuff like that and i told my mom that the aliens were interfearing with our internet and were planing an attack on the president O.o
on October 09, 2014
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on May 15, 2014
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Yay I'm not the only one who talks to things.... Don't say I'm going paranoid but my Elsa and Anna dolls talk to me..:(

That's freaky O_O....I'm scared of dolls....just make sure they don't kill you in your sleep and you'll be fine. Lock them in a cupboard or something :)
on May 14, 2014
on May 13, 2014
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*starts singing* Sometimes I give myself the creeps...doo doo doo doo...sometimes my mind plays tricks on me...doo doo doo all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up...and am I just paranoid? La da da da!

on March 05, 2014
on March 05, 2014
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Could be paranoid or delusional
I didn't know and please don't joke about it because I am paranoid and delusional...
on March 06, 2014

Paranoid??? Delusional??
You do realize I was joking when I asked this question, right?
Lol XP
You do realize I was joking when I asked this question, right?
Lol XP
on March 05, 2014
on March 04, 2014
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You are going KA-RAZEE!!!!!!!Totally because naming beds are
weird & creepy!:(
weird & creepy!:(
on October 14, 2013