School dress code? My schools dress code sucks. We aren't allowed to show shoulder. Like, whut? And if shorts are even a millimeter shorter than mid thigh, all hell breaks loose. I get not getting to wear booty shorts, and sleepless tops, no saggy pants, etc etc. anyway, what's your school dress code like?
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"WMS students can only wear shorts on the first and last quarter. The length of the shorts must reach the students fingertips when standing with their arms at their sides. Holes in pants must be below the fingertip line. Tank tops must be at least one inch wide. Wristbands with messages that are considered "offensive" are not allowed"
-Section ONE of my handbook
Me: *reads this* WTF no one even reads the handbook and they expect us to know third stuff? -_-
-Section ONE of my handbook
Me: *reads this* WTF no one even reads the handbook and they expect us to know third stuff? -_-

Messages on wristbands are compliments.
on March 10, 2018

omg. hon. my school is worse.
on November 02, 2013

Haha. Seems pretty lenient. We aren't allowed to wear tank tops at all unless the are "the finger tips wide" so basically a tee shirt.
on August 10, 2013

on August 10, 2013
on August 10, 2013
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No shoulders
No shorts
No ripped jeans
No huddies
And no Jewlery at all unless there studs
No shorts
No ripped jeans
No huddies
And no Jewlery at all unless there studs
on January 05, 2020
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At the school i'm at right now it's like the normal dress code, but the school I went to before had a NASTY DRESS CODE. We had to wear: uniforms from a certain brand, Black shoes with black or white bottoms, Black white or navy blue socks and tights, a plain navy blue jacket or one with the logo on it, and for formal days. Girls have to wear a dress shirt, dress socks( i think,) and a plaid skirt. Boys had to wear a dress shirt, a tie, and I think khaki pants. You couldn't die See More your hair an unatural color or your nails be pink or black or anything like that. No excessive jewerelly, or anything like that. If you come to school with even the wrong color of socks ... THEY WILL SEND YOU HOME. so yeah.... thats my experience. You?
on April 01, 2019
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It’s not my school but the is one school’s dress code that will kick you out if you don’t have straight hair. If it’s curly or puffy you ge kicked out
on March 10, 2018
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shorts must reach the knee and no holes above the knee in jeans aloud tanktop straps must be three fingers wide no hats, bandanas, glasses(unless prescription glasses) allowed, no half tops no fishnets no electronic watches but they usually forget about the dress code halfway through first semester lol no one cares if you ealk around in no shoes though lmao (talking from experience) rofl
on May 06, 2016
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pants must be fingertip length, no spaghetti straps, nothing seethrough unless covered by tank top that is 3 fingers, no shoulder bare, no cleavage, and tops must be at least 3 finger length. and obviously, nothing involving drugs, alcohol etc and no hats or sunglasses or chains,
on April 05, 2015
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No uniform for my school, but get this:
My friend goes to a school that...
During recess there is NO talking and they do PE exercises
During lunch they can't sit with their friends and NO talking
They are in 4th grade and every night they have TWO HOURS OF HOMEWORK
My friend goes to a school that...
During recess there is NO talking and they do PE exercises
During lunch they can't sit with their friends and NO talking
They are in 4th grade and every night they have TWO HOURS OF HOMEWORK

on April 01, 2019

This school is evil and should be sued. Because if they don’t get social time they will never get a job, get married, and even have teamwork. Two hours of homework may cause depression.
on March 10, 2018
on December 17, 2013
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Oh that isn't nothing my schools , we can only wear navy blue , white or red , with collars and we cant wear any shoes that we can see our feet , its terrible
on December 15, 2013
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We can where whatever we want just no hats in the building which sucks :D
on August 10, 2013
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Your lucky, the school i am going to next year for middle school we have to be wearing a VERY strict uniform, no other shoes than the ones assigned, only the shirt and skirt given, black knee highs or black stockings, you can wear the skirt alone though, and the jackets that are given are the only ones to be used, your bag can be whatever you want though, if wearing scarves, only the ones in school colours, earrings in only the school colours, no other jewelry, hair accessories See More only in school colours, And no bandanas, if u wanted to know, the school colours are red and gold.

my school is worse. where i live im already in high school & we wear a strict school uniform & hav strict visitor's dress code & u can get expelled if u so ever wear the wrong skirt or shirt. do u know wat that can do to a 13 year old girl??
on November 02, 2013
on August 10, 2013
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Consider yourself lucky for being allowed to wear your own clothes at all!! We have a VERY strict Uniform policy at our school, because it's an Academy. I guess it's not so bad, they must be doing something right, as it's a very high achieving school, great exam results, etc.. I think it would be nice to get to wear your own clothes though. :)
on August 09, 2013
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haha no! that's nothing when I moved they had uniforms!...but now since im going to highschool they don't care....and its just because people have sexy shoulders! gota hide those mamajamas

lol I hate when teachers say that! then someone wearing booty shorts will just walk right on by and no one says a thing
on August 09, 2013

Good idea... One of the teachers (that I don't have) was at the front of the school and was like "those shorts are too short blah blah blah" and I was like "I've worn these shorts all year long" she told me to check with my teacher, and I did. My teacher just rolled her eyes:P
on August 09, 2013

lol but my closet is full of shirts that show m shoulders so an time im confronted about it I simply ask the teacher if she plans on buying me cloths...normally works
on August 09, 2013
on August 09, 2013