on May 20, 2014

my question is what makes a question?
and by asking a question does my question define the question or the answer to my question.and if asking a question with a question making it no longer a question does it evolve into a answer to a question yet leaving the original question unsolved if so does this make it possible for a question of a question to be unanswerable because it was questioned by a question with a question as an answer..or do all questions question themselves?
and by asking a question does my question define the question or the answer to my question.and if asking a question with a question making it no longer a question does it evolve into a answer to a question yet leaving the original question unsolved if so does this make it possible for a question of a question to be unanswerable because it was questioned by a question with a question as an answer..or do all questions question themselves?
on August 12, 2013

abnormal added a new chapter to My poems...
leave some feedback?
love to know whatcha think(:
Read Full Chapter
on August 11, 2013

abnormal added a new chapter to My poems...
poem 6?
Is it possible to run out of words
living in a world of hurt
maybe we all forget to speak
maybe were all simply to weak
I don’t understand how u expect me to comprehend anything you say
when you’re always running away
if I am to b taught
then it takes some thought
strength and motivation
not your interrogation. Read Full Chapter
living in a world of hurt
maybe we all forget to speak
maybe were all simply to weak
I don’t understand how u expect me to comprehend anything you say
when you’re always running away
if I am to b taught
then it takes some thought
strength and motivation
not your interrogation. Read Full Chapter
on August 11, 2013

abnormal added a new chapter to My poems...
ever poem I write comes from something iv been through this ones a little close to me
A man gets shot on a daily to me?
That’s just plain crazy.
Drive bys are common seems cops still aint solved em.
Watching the news was a bit confused how 3men got shot
on the same damn block.
Now iv lived in the hood and saw what I could,
the world aint right, it’s a bit out of sight.
You should see some of the kids walking around the play pen
“ you see I got a baby his name is shady”
now I was abused,
I had everything to loose but that was my past somehow
I came out still intact, ... Read Full Chapter
That’s just plain crazy.
Drive bys are common seems cops still aint solved em.
Watching the news was a bit confused how 3men got shot
on the same damn block.
Now iv lived in the hood and saw what I could,
the world aint right, it’s a bit out of sight.
You should see some of the kids walking around the play pen
“ you see I got a baby his name is shady”
now I was abused,
I had everything to loose but that was my past somehow
I came out still intact, ... Read Full Chapter
on August 11, 2013

Hey abnormal
Thx for following me! :D
Thx for following me! :D
on August 07, 2013

on August 06, 2013

created a

are you a girly girl, skater kinda chick or a tomboy?
on August 06, 2013