omg! Help please!!! Boy trouble Okay so i have a boyfriend as i really love him.. they did this end of year high school part, dresses and suits and he was my date.. Things were great at first then some peolpe managed to sneak in some whisky and bears. I told my bf not to have any and he didn't. However when i came back from the toilet my bf had got a girl up on the wall and was snogging my worst enimiee and they touching in all the wrong places. You see he doesn't know i saw it, i love him so much and please help!!
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you should try asking him if he likes that girl and if he says no be like "well,ummm i saw you kissing her,big time" but if he says no just ask"then why were you kissing her"...:) hope it helped
on July 10, 2013
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This is challenging, maybe he drank and then got her, this is one of my nightmares too, but it never happened, ok so tell him you saw it and you love him and you got a bit heart broken, (if you did pls say it xD) idk if this song will help a bit but listen this, this song helps me a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM3389FUnKo cause the night rlly changed for you, if nothing works, find someone else like him, if he meant to cheat or something like that, he should go f**k himself, See More i hope this helps, (this question is out dated, sry if im late xD)
on August 21, 2015
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Ok listen I had a boy do this to me before, I kicked his ass and broke up with him but don't, break up with him and if you ever see him with whisky OR beer slap him because that's what ruined him T_T
on July 12, 2014
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what is your heart telling you?
if you're not sure, i would dump him. go find a better boyfriend.
but don't just start ignoring him, talk to him and tell him why you think your relationship isn't working out.
if you're not sure, i would dump him. go find a better boyfriend.
but don't just start ignoring him, talk to him and tell him why you think your relationship isn't working out.
on February 22, 2014
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No, No, No. What they're saying is wrong. To give is to take and to care is to be cared. What that means...you'll figure it out eventually.
on October 01, 2013
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Dump him. If he was drunk enough then he might not have meant it but nobody should do that
on January 23, 2018
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If he was drink then it's excusable but if not & he really is cheating & likes that girl then .. if I were you I'd leave him but wait it can also be her plan(your enemy's) So leave him only if you're sure
on January 23, 2018
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Dump him, you deserve way better then that. Just don't keep it a secret that you saw it, tell him, then dump him.
on January 23, 2018
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this means he cheated on you technically buep upt you should not date him, or plan b you should step up
on July 21, 2015
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just walk up to that little and brak up with hi tell him what you saw and he is just a jerk
on January 12, 2015
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tell him calmly that you saw it and that he will never be forgiven..if it wasn't the beer that did that.. and go up to your enemy and say that you saw and smack her! not on school property or near her house..
on November 30, 2013
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DUMP HIM!!! u asked him not 2 get drunk & he cant do that 4 u. drunk or npt he shouldnt hav done that & worse with ur enemy.
on October 26, 2013
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no go with what your heart says
he was drunk he didn't realise what his actions were let it be and see what happens next if it gets worse you did warn him
just sit down and have a talk with him
he was drunk he didn't realise what his actions were let it be and see what happens next if it gets worse you did warn him
just sit down and have a talk with him
on October 24, 2013
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Do it with his enemy and then break up with him but don't tell him why. He'll find out eventually.
on September 07, 2013
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either that or confront him.
either that or confront him.

on July 11, 2013

thanks, just what I needed only just saw this comment. Went to school to day and found them kissing behind the kitchen. I WAS FLAMING! he even saw me and just said" Hey babe." t=Then walked of leaving me and the girl staring at each other>:)
on July 10, 2013
on July 10, 2013
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Talk to him about it. If he really loves you, he will say sorry. If he dumps you, then he's the wrong man for you. You're better off alone than with the wrong man...that's what it says in girltalk, etc. etc.
on July 10, 2013