Do you have pets? If so, what kind? I have a black cat :P. I used to have a hamster but it died :'(
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I have three budgies (birds, mini parrots)
Florence, Heidi, and Rio
And i hope to be getting a cat, a hamster, rat or hedghog
Florence, Heidi, and Rio
And i hope to be getting a cat, a hamster, rat or hedghog
on December 19, 2013
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I have two cats and a dog.
Jasper, a four year old cat
Loki, a three year old DEVIL!!! (Cat)
Levi, a two year old dog (Labrador Cross Bavarian Mountain Hound)
Jasper, a four year old cat
Loki, a three year old DEVIL!!! (Cat)
Levi, a two year old dog (Labrador Cross Bavarian Mountain Hound)
on August 27, 2018
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1 dog 1 cat,
The cat has a story,
So the cat is a male, around 6 weeks, (he looked like it, said the vet)
His story is: So we where coming home from CC, (classical conversations, it's a Christian group.)
So when we got home, my brother said he saw a cat! We came closer, and he pretty much ran up to my dad.
My dad picked him up and noticed his eyes where closed shut. So we showed my mom and took him to the vet.
Later we dicided we where going to keep him. He doesn't have a name See More yet, but we're probobually naming him Henry. He also has an upper respatory infection.
So next is my dog!
He is 8 months old and he is a 62 pound Goldendoodle puppy.
He loves people and attention and tries to protect us from birds and the neighbors...
Even know he never got used to our neighbor, if you pet him he will love you...
His name is Sirius...BTW...
The cat has a story,
So the cat is a male, around 6 weeks, (he looked like it, said the vet)
His story is: So we where coming home from CC, (classical conversations, it's a Christian group.)
So when we got home, my brother said he saw a cat! We came closer, and he pretty much ran up to my dad.
My dad picked him up and noticed his eyes where closed shut. So we showed my mom and took him to the vet.
Later we dicided we where going to keep him. He doesn't have a name See More yet, but we're probobually naming him Henry. He also has an upper respatory infection.
So next is my dog!
He is 8 months old and he is a 62 pound Goldendoodle puppy.
He loves people and attention and tries to protect us from birds and the neighbors...
Even know he never got used to our neighbor, if you pet him he will love you...
His name is Sirius...BTW...
on October 20, 2016
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1) Wolf (female, cat, age)
2) Coco (female, cat, sickness)
3) Fat Mama (female, cat, ran away so we didnt have to bear the pain of finding her dead. So age.)
4) Rocky (male, dog, hit by car)
1) Pretty Boy (male, cat, ran away) See More
2) Frisbee (female, cat, ran away)
3) Roo (male, dog, pommeranian, home)
4) Rosy (female, cat, calico mix, home)
5) Angel (female, kitten, classic tabby, home)
*For number five,here is a example of her pattern http://meoowzresq.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Classic-tabby.jpg
1) Wolf (female, cat, age)
2) Coco (female, cat, sickness)
3) Fat Mama (female, cat, ran away so we didnt have to bear the pain of finding her dead. So age.)
4) Rocky (male, dog, hit by car)
1) Pretty Boy (male, cat, ran away) See More
2) Frisbee (female, cat, ran away)
3) Roo (male, dog, pommeranian, home)
4) Rosy (female, cat, calico mix, home)
5) Angel (female, kitten, classic tabby, home)
*For number five,here is a example of her pattern http://meoowzresq.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Classic-tabby.jpg
on March 01, 2016
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I have a budji ,3 gerbils and 2 dogs (dachaunds)aka sausage dogs

The budji is called sparkey
The gerbils are Miami, Jenson and Isla
Ans the dogs are Winston(boy) and Coco(girl)
The gerbils are Miami, Jenson and Isla
Ans the dogs are Winston(boy) and Coco(girl)
on November 12, 2015
on November 12, 2015
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on March 19, 2015
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Right now we have a million chickens that smell bad :P we used to have cats but one died from old age and we gave a couple away cuz my dad likes birds and cats kill birds so yea. I want another cat and a horse tho
on January 20, 2014
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One dog,One Cat,Two Rabbits,Two Bettas,and still waiting for the day I get my dream pet,a horse!
on October 22, 2013
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2 cats. Used to be three cats but one died. Also used to have a horse but he died too.

Aw. I knew two nice horses named Willie and Jack who died. Jack was 29, and Willie had to be put down :( idk why
on January 20, 2014
on August 05, 2013
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i have:
2 rats
1 snake
3 cats
i had:
1 dog
6 cats See More
4 mice
4 hamsters
AND I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: this was realy hard to write this coment as my rat mushroom keep walking on the keybored and deleting it
2 rats
1 snake
3 cats
i had:
1 dog
6 cats See More
4 mice
4 hamsters
AND I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps: this was realy hard to write this coment as my rat mushroom keep walking on the keybored and deleting it
on August 05, 2013
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I had a female crayfish named battle scar. Actually that's what everyone ELSE was calling her. At school we were studying Crayfish and at the end of the unit, everyone got to take one home. When I got home I renamed her, Rainbow Dash. I named her that because she was fast, She was the tallest out of ALL the other crayfish, and she was tough. People were calling her Battle Scar because she had a huge scar on her back. But when she sheded her carapace, the scar was almost visible. See More She didn't die but a couple months later I brought her to the pet store because I was worried that she wasn't eating right and once and a while her carapace would turn the color Brown/Green instead of light dark red.
on July 10, 2013
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i have 2 black and white american short hairs( cats) and 4 kittens, 2 budgies and 5 fish and i used to have a dog :)
on July 07, 2013
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i have a black male cat, a ginger male cat, a female german shepherd, and a male border collie newfoundland mix
on July 07, 2013
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I used to have a black grayhound named Bomber, but he died:(( but now i have a whippet named Ivy. I really want a cat though

Im sorry that bomber died but im sure that ivy is awesome. And yeah u should get a cat :D
on July 07, 2013
on July 07, 2013