A very important question, if this has happened to you to (which most likely not) can you help me I'm going to 6th grade now but all of my friends are in different classes. We can see each other only once or twice during the day, but they also have other friends, and I don't. I'm also scared that this guy will be in my class, he is in love with me (not crush) he always asked if he could be my boyfriend and gives me flowers. This is most likely very weird but can you help me.
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Make new friends! The same thing happened to me in the fifth grade, and I ended up being best friends with two girls in my class. About the guy who's "in love" with you, ignore him. Or tell him politely that yore not interested. If its getting to a point where your uncomfortable, tell a teacher. Be sure to have regular get togethers with your old friends though. Hope this helps!
on June 08, 2013
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I am going through the same thing! My friends aren't in any of the same classes as me and one of our neighbors is in love with me (not a crush either). He says he loves me and he's three years older than me. He asks to kiss me too! You can make new friends, talk to the new girl or the shy girl. You could become their best friend. Tell the guy that your not interested or to ask again in three years. If you tell him three years, he won't bother you and by the time three years rolls See More along he will have moved on.
on June 09, 2013
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yeah im 16 im in high school me and friends have 5 classes we are in and after that i dont see them no more that is the bad part about it. But you jest make new friends in thee classes they anit in thats all and tell him to LEAVE YOU ALONG!!
on May 13, 2014
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wow,i know one boy who admitted to my face that i was pretty and smart and he kept asking for huggs and gave me gifts.i told him calmly that i was not interested in being his girlfreind and that i was not a hugging kind of person.he stoped afteer that.hope all works out for you. :)
on December 20, 2013
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my 5 bff's & split not only into different classes but different schools!! i miss them soo much!!!! we were closer than friends,closer than sisters. & 4 the boy if u like him back great if u dont tell him straight no mixed signals straight.
on October 26, 2013
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My friends are all in different high schools, I have made one friend but she isn't in any of my classes. Sometimes I feel lonely when everyone is talking in class and I'm sitting on my own.

sorry I couldn't help much, I just think of the positive aspects, like maybe If you don't speak much they will find you more interesting; that's what my mum said :) BTW I love unicorns and anime too, my friend Kira (kiraosbourne on Qfeast) She goes to a different school she calls the m glunicorns
on July 23, 2013

That's what I think would happen, all of my friends would go back to there other friends, and it's really hard to make new friends because all the other girls like boys, clothes, and smart stuff, and I like anime, creepy pasta, and unicorns. But Anyway, thanks and I hope you can make new friends:)
on July 23, 2013
on July 23, 2013
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Im in same situation! I hav no friends accept one and some nerd fancies me, he isn't in mi clases but he embarrases me all de time. Ive learnt 2 humor him and smile and get out the way. make nu frinds harger thaen fjnv
on July 23, 2013
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Sophia, I have SUPER bad luck with that kind of things. (Getting in groups and stuff) so, i'll wish for that guy, who I know, to be in your class. Then, it will be opposite, and he won't! maybe he'll be in mine instead.:(
on June 29, 2013
@Shugochara111, no problem:)))