Which MLP: FIM Character Is Your Favorite, And Why? Fairly self-explanatory: Which character from MLP:FIM is your favorite, and why? It can be any character, from the mane 6 to the villains, to any of the background ponies, and even the dragons and the Diamond Dogs.
Answers (8)
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Fluttershy because she is so sweet and adorable and is just like me because she is quiet,shy and loves animals.

Nice, nice.
on October 17, 2013
on October 15, 2013
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Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, because if you mush 'em together you get my personality!! :D
on November 23, 2013
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Princeess Luna, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence.
Cause they all help as much as they can and shows unlimited amount if kindness, forgiveness, and understanding... Like me
Cause they all help as much as they can and shows unlimited amount if kindness, forgiveness, and understanding... Like me
on September 05, 2013
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I have to say Princess Luna. Shes cute, funny and I find her life unfair if you imagine it more. But i just really like here ^_^
on May 11, 2013
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Rainbow Dash, She's the daredevil and Rarity...Oh I love Rarity! *Daydreams*
on May 05, 2013
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Flim Skim because I love any characters who are con artists, because I am one myself, and I can relate to him because I know the feeling of being rejected just because of your dishonesty. Nobody else sees this in him. Also because Flim got me into vaudeville and because if I didn't research his voice actor, I would never have found half of my fandoms. So he is best pony. Always.

on May 14, 2014

on May 14, 2014

-sees my comment has been disliked-
Ugh. Yeah, I know. I like unpopular ponies. -hides-
Ugh. Yeah, I know. I like unpopular ponies. -hides-
on May 14, 2014
on May 14, 2014