I'm a bit confused. Does this even get read if I put it here? I used to know this stuff, but I just don't anymore. Gods it's been a while.
on October 23, 2015

Happy birthday @TheAnguishedOne Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

Wait, I'm in here? I don't recall showing up.. Unless something happened without my knowing. I mean I should be in here, I just don't know how I got here.
on July 09, 2015

YAY! You're back!
on July 09, 2015

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was LightningChaser
on July 09, 2015

on December 26, 2014

tanks 4 following :D
on August 24, 2014

Heeeeeey man! Haven't talked in ages! How's life?

Oh my, I'm sorry to hear that :( I miss them too, and it's a shame that they aren't around much anymore v.v But hey, for what it's worth, you can count on me not going anywhere.
on August 22, 2014

It's been horrible kinda. I'm kinda missing the old qfeast and my old friends. I don't know anyone here, Spike doesn't like me or talk to me (I think) and dinky never comes on :( All my friends left but you. You're the last person now :(
on August 21, 2014
on July 14, 2014

I did my research and posed on EQD:
Hey guys! Um, guess what? Season 5 is coming out! But what sucks d!ck is that something horrible happens to Twilight... [Spoiler in 3,2,1,] All the other princesses will give all their powers to Twilight! How horrible is that?! Anyways I hope she loses her princess abilities. Since she's a princess I'm pretty sure she would be IMMORTAL but I don't think she would want that because all her mortal friends will die before her. Sad isn't it? Let's See More just see what we'll get from hasbro. Dear hasbro, don't screw this up for us! [Except the princess fans like Princess_Twilight sorry man I love you] from your subject, Everyone.
Hey guys! Um, guess what? Season 5 is coming out! But what sucks d!ck is that something horrible happens to Twilight... [Spoiler in 3,2,1,] All the other princesses will give all their powers to Twilight! How horrible is that?! Anyways I hope she loses her princess abilities. Since she's a princess I'm pretty sure she would be IMMORTAL but I don't think she would want that because all her mortal friends will die before her. Sad isn't it? Let's See More just see what we'll get from hasbro. Dear hasbro, don't screw this up for us! [Except the princess fans like Princess_Twilight sorry man I love you] from your subject, Everyone.

:-O Well that certainly in unexpected, and I do agree with what you said. Unless they make the others more powerful too, or something like that, I just don't see this new power transfer playing out too well.
on April 18, 2014
on April 18, 2014

Heya Lightning! Long time no see eh? Seriously. I considered leaving Qfeas after me and Darby got caught in a fight. Does Darby still come on? :( I really missed you guys. I'm just glad I'm back.

I haven't seen Darby around lately, I'm sorry to say. :( But hopefully it'll all be alright. It's certainly nice to see you again after such a long time, though.:)
on April 16, 2014
on April 15, 2014

*Walks up to you with a bunch of scrolls* Sup Lightening Chaser?

on April 18, 2014

-waves as you walk up, smiling- Oh hey, Spike, haven't seen ya in a while. Not much is up, just been seeing what I've missed since I've been gone. How about you?
on April 15, 2014
on April 12, 2014

on January 12, 2014

Wait are you online? You just requested a membership-.-

Yeah at least you have have a computer now! But toshibas crash a lot i used to have one but it kept on crashing -.-
on January 11, 2014

A Toshiba Satellite, I didn't buy it myself, it was a gift from my mother's old boss, it isn't great, but I can't complain, seeing how I didn't have a computer at all before.
on January 11, 2014

>~< Yeah, sorry for not saying anything, I had just come on when I saw you send me the link, then after I sent the request I remembered that I got a new computer (new as in new to me, it's fairly old in model), so I went offline to log in on the computer. Sure enough, I was waiting there for an hour waiting for the freakin' thing to load the Qfeast homepage. See More =_=
on January 10, 2014
on January 07, 2014

mlp drawing contest page!!
On this page you can participate in my little pony drawing contests!!enjoy :)
on January 05, 2014

Hey hey, it's been a long time since I was around here last, I apologize for not being around. :(
on December 03, 2013

Attention! All qfeasters are going to write a letter 'Q' on their hand to see if there are any more of us out near where we live. Send this to 10 people and try to spread the message
on November 22, 2013