I now have an alternate form! His name is Crimson Sun, he is a master of magic, and mainly utilizes his skills in pyrokinesis. His signature spell is called "Crimson Firestorm", which will lay waste to all foes, and rain down havoc.
on May 30, 2013

Sitting there in the dark, I had a chance to think about a lot of things, including the nature of the world itself. And after lengthy consideration, I realized something; when all is said and done, the world is a very unknowable place. On the surface, all appears rational, orderly. But what truly lies beyond that thin veneer of reason? Stability and superiority? Or chaos and madness? What are we truly made of in the end? Is there truly any meaning to the lives we lead? Or are See More we nothing but hollow vessels? These are questions we can never answer, for we cannot see through the world’s fragile layer of skin. So we live our lives filled with uncertainty, never knowing what we truly are or what the future may bring, all we can do is imagine. Life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twists and turns at the end. And that’s enough to fill any soul with terror!
on May 28, 2013

Hey Lighting! Did you get Wingman or Lead for you team majig? Ohhhh!!! I hope the team will agree to put you on the team!!! :D

Well, once SpitFire sees my skills, it'll be unanimous anyway, they won't be able to say no!
on May 25, 2013

Yea! Only if Spitfire (My wingman cause im leader for the actual team.) Will agree to let you in... :/
on May 25, 2013

on May 24, 2013
on May 24, 2013


I realize now that in my statement about me being busy, I say it twice in the same sentence. Sentence Flow, I Am Disappoint.
on May 22, 2013
on May 22, 2013


on May 21, 2013
on May 21, 2013

I'm just saying, Palringo is a free app, you can even use it on a computer (free also), it's a great way to communicate with others! :D

If you wanna find me on Palringo, just go to Contacts->[+]-> First Name-> Lightning
You'll find me there :)
You'll find me there :)
on May 20, 2013
on May 19, 2013


on May 19, 2013
on May 19, 2013

*Sigh* Anyone want to talk about anything?

Well, I've been at the Wonderbolt Academy for a few years now, and I have some skills under my wings, so I'll try out, sure!
on May 20, 2013

Hey you should try out for Wonderbolts! I saw you practise and your like REALLLLLLYYYYY fast! Maybe you can take over for leader for me if you get in :)
on May 20, 2013
on May 14, 2013

Nice new pic :3
on May 11, 2013

Hi! :)
on May 10, 2013

Lightning, If you're interested in metal bands and Music, then hurry...We have two spots for instruments....
on May 05, 2013

TheAnguishedOne asked a question

Which MLP: FIM Character Is Your Favorite, And Why? Fairly self-explanatory: Which char...
on May 05, 2013

Hey, how's it going?

Happy Birthday!! I may be late, or early(I don't know Australia's time zones), but Happy Birthday anyway!!
on May 05, 2013
on May 04, 2013

So Booooored... Does ANYONE want to talk about ANYTHING? At all?
on April 30, 2013

*Sigh* Monday. And so it begins.

The season of warm weather, not a storm to be found. Well, I still have the amazing night sky. There's always an upside.
on April 29, 2013
on April 29, 2013

Gah, there's nothing to do! So boring!

Yes, I did. I was going to give it to you, and since you're helping me out with my wing, you can have it.
on May 04, 2013

on May 04, 2013

I'm not a dragon, so I can't really have an opinion on gems, but if you love gems, then that's great!
on May 04, 2013
on April 26, 2013

*sigh* Oh, what am I going to be doing today? Hmm...

on April 24, 2013
on April 22, 2013

Does anyone here have Palringo or Kik?

They're both free apps, and you can talk to other people around the world! If you don't, and feel like getting one, I would suggest Palringo, because it has more capabilities than Kik.
on April 18, 2013
on April 18, 2013

I need some help with this...how am I going to fix this...I only have one picture of Lightning Chaser, and I FORGOT THE WINGS. My computer doesn't work, so I can't fix it that way, and I can't draw, so what now? I can't just NOT HAVE WINGS, it's what makes me...me! *Sigh*
on April 17, 2013

Damn, got a competition eh for fastest pegasus? Let's see about that. I challenge you to a race!!!

All you do is register and make up a username and password and add new contacts and talk, call or video call! I somtimes call a guy on skype i kinda like
on April 25, 2013
on April 16, 2013