What's the weirdest dream you have ever had? What is ur weirdest dream ever. Mine was about alien penguins taking over the world and it was up to 3 ninja cats to stop them... So tell me your weirdest dream.
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So... my weirdest dream was simply sad.... so mario was just standing there looking around. For the whole Dream. I guess it’s werid?
on September 30, 2018
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Well, I had a dream last night that I was being hunted down by Michael Myers. It was kind of entertaining. Eventually I killed Myers and remained the victorious hero. :D
on June 07, 2018
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The dream I had last night was also weird. I will tell you what I can remember. So me and a couple other kids from my school were in my yard. We started panicking for some reason and had to hide from someone or something. One girl, who is one of the popular kids, told my friend to jump into a pit of quicksand and sink into it. She got an office chair out of nowhere and told him to hold onto it. I was wearing a pink helmet over top a witch hat and I was wearing a black long sleeved See More dress for some reason. I took the helmet off and the popular girl told me and the others to go hide. We didn't hide. We watched as the popular girl started digging in the now massive pit of quicksand and she started sinking as well. Someone asked if the girl was stuck in the quicksand and another kid was like "You don't say?" And then I woke up.
on October 08, 2016
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One time I had a super crazy dream where me and my family were about to go to Africa and my yard turned into a forest with a bunch of vines and stuff, and there were FNAF characters everywhere. Then, me and my family watched a movie about a plane crash the night before we boarded the plane to go to Africa. We were at my grandma's house.
on October 08, 2016
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Let's just say, I was a lesbian freak who was very perverted...
I didn't like it.
I didn't like it.
on July 13, 2016
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I had a dream me and my friend dominique was with all of Young Money and Mindless Behavior and Romeo Miller and we was at this club and everybody got to fighting and my friend dominique got kidnapped and it was up to me and all of Young Money and Mindless Behavior and Romeo to save here and when we got to the house they had her at Romeo want in 1st and got hit by a pan cus dominique thought that it was the people who toke her and i started laughing real hard and then Drake had See More to carry Romeo out and when we was doing that the kidnappers came back and we started fighting and out of no where Diggy popped up and shot the kidnappers and we got in his car and we was getting away but we drove off a cliff.:D and that was the end
on May 24, 2014
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The one I had last night was pretty random. I was playing minecraft on my laptop, and all the things on the inventory were on my bed. Remus Lupin was helping me choose a bicycle wheel from it. Lord Voldemort and his minions (And I mean minions, the yellow ones from Despicable Me) were trying to get into my room by the Muggle way. One of his real Death Eaters was trying to force the door handle down and it took him FOREVER. When he broke into my room I jumped out my window. I woke See More up just before I hit the ground.
on January 11, 2014
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I once had a dream where I was half in my house, half at a carnival of some sort with a whole bunch of anime characters. I bought a cat called Hollyleaf that was the size of a mouse and went into a room with all the anime characters and everyone in my class. And then (this is the weirdest part) everyone (including me) started to do Gangnam Style. Also, near the end some demigods and wizards/witches joined in and everyone kept on dancing and stuff.
on November 08, 2013
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I had one, not the weirdest though. I dreamed we (mom and dad and I) were living in a clay house, and this big flying robot took them away. Then I ate a pink sugar pill and turned into one of the old fashioned superman and chased after the robot. Sometimes the dream repeated and when it did, sometimes I caught the robot and sometimes I didn't.
on October 02, 2013
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I was on a river rapids ride at Legoland when Lady Gaga appeared out of nowhere and threw a shoe at me and screamed "I LOVE DUCKS!"

thats not wired thats random
on October 30, 2013
on August 08, 2013
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My weirdest dream was when this guy would watch children walk to the bus stop wait till they're alone and then kidnap them and put them in cages. My 3 younger siblings were taken and you know... I had to retrieve them.... Weird about it was I had that dream for 3-yeras now...

I had a dream about dinosaurs running down the street and my whole family went outside to see when a T rex ate everyone except me then a guy cut out of the t rex and said MEAT! and then i woke up and ironically we watched jurrasic park the next day....xD
on August 13, 2013
on June 17, 2013
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My weirdest dream was probably...... oh wait that ones really inappropriate.
Well I was on this playground with my brother ad cousin. My dad was there to but he was just standing there. Then nemo, dory, and cat in the hat showed up. I was 3 so I didn't care. I went down on a slide and cat in the hat put a balloon down the slide. I stopped at the bottom to catch but then it grew spikes. I ran to my dad then woke up.
Well I was on this playground with my brother ad cousin. My dad was there to but he was just standing there. Then nemo, dory, and cat in the hat showed up. I was 3 so I didn't care. I went down on a slide and cat in the hat put a balloon down the slide. I stopped at the bottom to catch but then it grew spikes. I ran to my dad then woke up.
on June 14, 2013
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one dream of mine turned into three.the first part was about exer8 from Ben 10,Ben was exer8 but didn't have exer8 face but then exer8 face slowly replace Ben's face.the second part was about Santa giving me a prize if i could build a toy house.i didn't have enough and was ranting when it switched to the third part.the last part was short it was in ''Everyone Loves Lucy'' and Lucy had lemonade.
on May 25, 2013
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I was inside Super Mario Bros in the castle, I tried getting out but it was like a huge maze and before I woke up I fell in lava.
That's . . . Very . . . Interesting . . . Right?
That's . . . Very . . . Interesting . . . Right?
on May 04, 2013
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my weirdest was I was in a workshop and all of the Thomas & Friends trains were there. And this huge train whose face was mounted on the wall was introducing me to all the trains. And then suddenly I had to escape with Shark Boy and Lava Girl down a giant straw that milk was being poured down, I floated on a giant Cheerio. no joke. I think I beat you all!! XD
on April 23, 2013
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The weirdest dream I've ever had the world had ended and zombies were every where, it was pretty awesome. Not weird, never mind lol
on April 22, 2013
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weirdest dream i can remember was i was in the jungle being chased by 7 armed monkeys. They spit acid and instead of normal monkey noices, they kept yelling "Yama yama yama"
on April 22, 2013