what is better harry potter or twilight?
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Harry potter because Bella swan cant even pick if she wants cereal in the mornings without having a nervous breakdown

on June 21, 2014
on January 02, 2014
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I no I made this question, but Harry potter is much much better than twilight. My favorate saying is a real man doesn't sparkle, a real man defeats dark wizards.
on December 31, 2011
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Now listen peeps. Twilight has 109 year old virgins who like to watch you sleep. Harry potter has so much more. First off they have voldemort. Twilight has some Blondel dude who talks like the queen of England. Next Hp has hermonie. When Ron left her she stayed and fought through the tough times to help save the wizarding world. When Edward breathes on bella she faints. What...the..heck? Then Hp has so many people who arnt afraide to risk their lives. Ex. Finny nevelle Fred George See More Ron Hermione. Bella just hides when trouble comes her way. GO HP!!!!!
on July 05, 2012
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harry potter:D, and this question has been asked so many times why did you make one your self? theres so many polls asking the same thing to! Plus, all your doing is asking a question so you get more popular. By all of the other questions ans polls obviously harry potter is going to win. Because of these questions EVERYWHERE, twilight fans will say harry potter just so people will still follow them. Yes, I answered harry potter, but no i have not read or seen something twilight. See More Many harry potter fans answer automatically but do they actually know twilight? All this is doing is letting harry potter fans gang up on the twilight fans! so please don't ask a question like this again:D I am really sorry if this seems harsh, i mean no offence to harry potter fans (because i am one) and i mean no offence to anyone who asked this themselves (including you @earth707). Also, harry potter fans, we should all stop hating the auther of twilight. She must be good to get awards right?:)
on March 15, 2015
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Harry Potter, like 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
on July 14, 2014
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Harry potter is a WAAAAYYYYY better love story than twilight, and I am unsure of what the hell twilight is!
on September 22, 2012
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Harry Potter, and the rest of the Wizarding World, hell. Newt Scamander is better than that Twinkling Weakling
on November 23, 2016
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Harry Potter, no contest
Twilight is okay if you need something to kill time on a car trip, but it's not even in the same universe as HP
Twilight is okay if you need something to kill time on a car trip, but it's not even in the same universe as HP
on November 07, 2016
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I think both series are great, as I love books and fantasy/mythology, but I think I like Harry Potter a bit better (sorry Twilight fans). I find that it's taking me quite a long time to get through the Twilight series where as with Harry Potter, it just flew by too quickly. I think it's just taste when you're voting for your favourite. But I definitely think that both series deserve a round of applause because of the hard work the authors put into them. I'm sorry if you don't See More agree with my response, but everyone is different.
on January 18, 2016
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on November 07, 2016
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Harry Potter!
Harry:For real?!
Harry:Awesome Alicia! *Hugs me*
Me:*Hugs back*
*By the way Alicia Is my name If your confused
Harry:For real?!
Harry:Awesome Alicia! *Hugs me*
Me:*Hugs back*
*By the way Alicia Is my name If your confused
on April 12, 2016
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OMG Harry Potter like duh!!!!!!!!J . k Rowling is a really talented writer and the movies are like AWESOME!!!!!!!!
on July 24, 2014
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HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twilight is ok but I really hate Bella (sorry Bella fans) in the begining she just seem to bratty to me<3
on July 11, 2017
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Oh mer...Harry Potter, there's no comparison.
But better than Harry Potter, Percy Jackson .3.
But better than Harry Potter, Percy Jackson .3.

No. Percy Jackson is not even good.
on July 23, 2017
on April 26, 2016