on April 19, 2015

created a

If Your Life Was a Cliche High School Movie, Who Would You Be?
on April 19, 2015

Wrote a new story on Wattpaad entitled "I Didn't Know I Was a Demigod". Give it a read!
on April 04, 2015

Thinking of making a new quiz! It'll involve horoscopes! Should I go ahead and make it?
on April 02, 2015

persassy_is_bae created a poll

Did you like Ansel Elgort in Divergent (Caleb) or The fault in Our Stars (Augustus Waters)
on August 05, 2014

Look what personality I've got! What about you? Told ya I'd get Amity @brebop
on July 25, 2014

persassy_is_bae added a new chapter to Fave quotes from the PJO/HoO series!

Leo's POV
“Leo couldn't help smiling. "That could be fun."
"Fun" she said unhappily.
"Blue elephants."
"Blue elephants."
"Kiss me you fool."
"You fool.”
― Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena
“Leo lowered his screwdriver. He looked at the ceiling and shook his head like, What am I gonna do with this guy?
"I try very hard to be annoying," Leo said. "Don't insult my ability to annoy. And how am I supposed to resent you if you go apologizing? I'm a lowly mechanic. You're like the prince of the sky, son of t... Read Full Chapter
"Fun" she said unhappily.
"Blue elephants."
"Blue elephants."
"Kiss me you fool."
"You fool.”
― Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena
“Leo lowered his screwdriver. He looked at the ceiling and shook his head like, What am I gonna do with this guy?
"I try very hard to be annoying," Leo said. "Don't insult my ability to annoy. And how am I supposed to resent you if you go apologizing? I'm a lowly mechanic. You're like the prince of the sky, son of t... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

created a

who are you most like from the PJO/HoO series
on June 22, 2014

persassy_is_bae added a new chapter to Life As Told By The Bullied Girl
Chapter 2, part 2: What Would Jesus Do?
Thursday, June 26, 204 8:45 pm
Much to my horror, Sarah was in fact on board with the whole overthrow-the-Britney's thing. I admit, I am a bit excited to finally get revenge on them for making my life a living hell, but I'm even more nervous about it.. *sigh* Times like this when you ask "What would Jesus do?" after pondering on the idea for a bit longer, I decided I needed a little adventure in my dull life. So as soon as Sarah runs squealing into the room, the girls immediately go to work o... Read Full Chapter
Much to my horror, Sarah was in fact on board with the whole overthrow-the-Britney's thing. I admit, I am a bit excited to finally get revenge on them for making my life a living hell, but I'm even more nervous about it.. *sigh* Times like this when you ask "What would Jesus do?" after pondering on the idea for a bit longer, I decided I needed a little adventure in my dull life. So as soon as Sarah runs squealing into the room, the girls immediately go to work o... Read Full Chapter
on June 22, 2014

persassy_is_bae added a new chapter to Life As Told By The Bullied Girl
chapter 2, part 1: The Makeover
Thursday, June 26, 2014 8:34 pm
So I looked up what a party is on Google, like what Hunter told me. And apparently a party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation or as part of a festival, and will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment.
parties sound pretty fun! But what ISN'T fun is being dolled up tomorrow with Cassie and Sarah! There's no telling WHAT thos... Read Full Chapter
So I looked up what a party is on Google, like what Hunter told me. And apparently a party is a gathering of people who have been invited by a host for the purposes of socializing, conversation, recreation or as part of a festival, and will typically feature food and beverages, and often music and dancing or other forms of entertainment.
parties sound pretty fun! But what ISN'T fun is being dolled up tomorrow with Cassie and Sarah! There's no telling WHAT thos... Read Full Chapter
on June 21, 2014

persassy_is_bae added a new chapter to Life As Told By The Bullied Girl

chapter 1 part 2: FRIENDS?! parties?! It's all too much to take in!
Saturday, June 21, 2014 1:20am
I guess now is a good time to tell you what amazing thing happened to me after that Britney fiasco. I ACTUALLY MADE FRIENDS!!!!!!!! after writing my last entry, I fell asleep but I just kept waking up. After the whole Britney thing happened, a small group of people walked up to me. I was a bit intimidated because they were all so gorgeous. The one in front introduced herself as Sarah. She had her blue hair in a messy bun while wearing hipster glasses. she had on... Read Full Chapter
I guess now is a good time to tell you what amazing thing happened to me after that Britney fiasco. I ACTUALLY MADE FRIENDS!!!!!!!! after writing my last entry, I fell asleep but I just kept waking up. After the whole Britney thing happened, a small group of people walked up to me. I was a bit intimidated because they were all so gorgeous. The one in front introduced herself as Sarah. She had her blue hair in a messy bun while wearing hipster glasses. she had on... Read Full Chapter
on June 21, 2014

persassy_is_bae asked a question
Can I get at least 3 different people to be in my latest story? thanks! If so leave a c...
on June 21, 2014