pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 5 - Horses to Water - Part 2
We take turns scouting the perimeter, Cal taking over my shift as I sit beside Cordelia. A fire would be too risky, but the subtle glow of the sun that's soon to rise gives enough light.
"How are you feeling?" she asks calmly, her voice deep and smooth.
"I've been better," I reply, taking the leather flask from her and downing a swig of water. "I suppose I've also been worse," I grin. She chuckles lightly.
"Unfortunately I have no liquor to drown our sorrows this night," Cordelia grabs anothe... Read Full Chapter
"How are you feeling?" she asks calmly, her voice deep and smooth.
"I've been better," I reply, taking the leather flask from her and downing a swig of water. "I suppose I've also been worse," I grin. She chuckles lightly.
"Unfortunately I have no liquor to drown our sorrows this night," Cordelia grabs anothe... Read Full Chapter
on April 18, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 5 - Horses to Water - Part 1
I always imagined horses were a great deal smaller like they are in the tapestries I've seen. Though maybe it wasn't that the horses looked small but rather the riders with them looked large; fierce warriors next to their noble steeds. Cordelia drapes several bags over the saddles of the two horses behind her home before turning back to me, standing at a safe three paces away.
"Don't worry, they won't bite," she soothes, handing me a woven cloak for the journey.
"Much," Cal mutters.
"Very f... Read Full Chapter
"Don't worry, they won't bite," she soothes, handing me a woven cloak for the journey.
"Much," Cal mutters.
"Very f... Read Full Chapter
on April 18, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 4 - Old Friends - Part 2
I demolish an entire bowl of meat and vegetables, hardly even stopping to chew. Cordelia watches me with a smirk.
"They really don't feed their prisoners, do they?" her question makes me pause, remembering how Cal and I became acquainted. I swallow my last bite, putting my spoon down.
"No," I say quickly, pursing my lips together. Cordelia shakes her head, sending out waves of pleasant-smelling perfume.
"Monsters," she mutters under her breath. I raise an eyebrow at her sudden crassness.
"C... Read Full Chapter
"They really don't feed their prisoners, do they?" her question makes me pause, remembering how Cal and I became acquainted. I swallow my last bite, putting my spoon down.
"No," I say quickly, pursing my lips together. Cordelia shakes her head, sending out waves of pleasant-smelling perfume.
"Monsters," she mutters under her breath. I raise an eyebrow at her sudden crassness.
"C... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 4 - Old Friends - Part 1
A beautiful young woman opens the door, dark brown skin glowing in the candlelight. Her face however is marred by shock, green eyes nearly popping out of her skull at the sight of the man next to me.
"What in the Gods names are you doing here? And who's this?" the woman - Cordelia, I assume - asks, looking between Cal and me in bewilderment. "And why do you smell like freshly baked sh*t?"
"And what in the seven skies happened to your face?" she steps closer, pointing to the wound I ga... Read Full Chapter
"What in the Gods names are you doing here? And who's this?" the woman - Cordelia, I assume - asks, looking between Cal and me in bewilderment. "And why do you smell like freshly baked sh*t?"
"And what in the seven skies happened to your face?" she steps closer, pointing to the wound I ga... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 3 - The Witch in the Woods - Part 2
The last thing I remember is lying on my back and suddenly I'm waking up from a small, dreamless sleep. My body aches and my head throbs violently, but I force myself to sit up nonetheless. It's quiet, almost eerily so. For a second I consider just laying back down, until I remember why it was I didn't want to close my eyes. My heart thumps as I look quickly over to Cal, expecting him to be holding a rock over my head or his shirt ready to smother me. But instead, he lies uncomfortably on hi...
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on March 24, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 2 - Unlikely Alliance - Part 2
Cal leads me out of my cell, into a quiet hallway decorated with many of the same doors I just came out of as far as the eye can see. Are these all cells? Cal grabs ahold of my wrist again and I begrudgingly allow him, shaking away the thought of how many others are trapped here as I was. We walk past several more corridors until we come to a large set of stairs leading up. He leans down closer to my ear.
"Listen, once we get up those stairs there's gonna be guards at nearly every tur... Read Full Chapter
"Listen, once we get up those stairs there's gonna be guards at nearly every tur... Read Full Chapter
on March 24, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 1 - Imprisonment - Part 2
The next time my eyes open, I'm being dragged by two officers across their bridge and into the opened door of the hull with shooting pain in the back of my head. I can feel the grub from this morning in the back of my throat, mixing with the salty metallic taste of my blood. I try to breathe and see how many paces they've dragged me to know how long I was out. Only a brief moment. My mind urges me to kick and struggle against the grip of the two men dragging me by my arms, but my limbs feel h...
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on March 24, 2024

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Charge

Chapter 3 - The Witch in the Woods - Part 1
The Order is a division of the Empire set up fifteen years ago to aid in the elimination of Charges. Comprised exclusively of sanctioned wielders of magic – wizards and witches who lack the innate Charge gene – these individuals possess the ability to harness magical forces solely through the conduit of spells and rituals. I've been lucky enough to never cross paths with a member of The Order and I doubt I'd live to tell the tale if I had. Each member is highly trained and shares one ...
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on March 20, 2024

on May 04, 2021

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Star Wars Fanfictions!

Canonical Fireplace Scene // Anidala
Anakin's Perspective
My fingertips edge closer to her, yearning to feel her soft skin on mine. I swallow the boulder formed within my throat, before inhaling a sharp breath.
“From the moment I met you, all those years ago,” I begin shakily, her big brown eyes looking into mine with caution. “Not a day has gone by where I don’t think of you,” the air in my lungs thickens, choking me. I blink the tears from my eyes, Padme doing the same. The soft ... Read Full Chapter
Anakin's Perspective
My fingertips edge closer to her, yearning to feel her soft skin on mine. I swallow the boulder formed within my throat, before inhaling a sharp breath.
“From the moment I met you, all those years ago,” I begin shakily, her big brown eyes looking into mine with caution. “Not a day has gone by where I don’t think of you,” the air in my lungs thickens, choking me. I blink the tears from my eyes, Padme doing the same. The soft ... Read Full Chapter
on June 15, 2020

pxdmeskywalker added a new chapter to Star Wars Fanfictions!

All The Things That I've Done PART 2 // Reylo
Ben and I reach my quarters, closing the door behind us. I only begin to realise now that my knuckles have become almost white with how tightly I was holding onto his hand. I was trying to support his injured body for the walk to my quarters but in the end, I think it's him who's supporting me. His calloused fingers entwine with mine, gently, like the petals of a flower slowly entangling as it blooms. I pull him over to my bed, sitting him down on the edge, only now pulling my hand away from ...
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on April 14, 2020