Chapter 4 - Old Friends - Part 1

"What in the Gods names are you doing here? And who's this?" the woman - Cordelia, I assume - asks, looking between Cal and me in bewilderment. "And why do you smell like freshly baked sh*t?"
"And what in the seven skies happened to your face?" she steps closer, pointing to the wound I gave him before.
"That uh, that was me," I murmur, raising one hand awkwardly.
"Cordelia can we please just come inside, I'll explain everything," Cal interjects, his dark eyes softening as he approaches the woman. Cordelia raises one black eyebrow, looking between us once more before sighing.
"Fine, but you're both getting a bath, no exceptions," she warns us. "And you're going to have to tell me about the girl before I let her into my home,"
"She's... she's like me," Cal says lowly. I immediately open my mouth to yell at how easily he sold me out, but the woman's knowing look makes me bite my tongue. Cordelia's brows pull to the centre of her forehead, and she stands aside with a final sigh.
"Come in, then,"
The entryway is lined with scrolls and herbs, a strangely organised mess. The smell of smoked meat intensifies and my stomach rolls uncomfortably.
"We have much to discuss," Cordelia begins, closing the door behind us and latching three separate locks. "Supper is nearly ready, how about I draw you a bath while Cal and I catch up?" she turns to me with kind eyes. "Come,"
I hesitate for a moment, but the allure of a warm bath and some peace and quiet is too strong. She smiles again, seemingly understanding and leads me down the hall, leaving Cal in the entryway. From the outside the house looks unassuming, the overgrowth of plants even making it look abandoned. But the inside is charming, rooms upon rooms lit by a golden glow. I feel guilty tracking so much grime through her house, but she doesn't seem to mind too much. Cordelia leads me through another door into a small storage room, tall wooden wardrobes reaching the ceiling. An archway through to a tub is separated by a room divider. "I'll go prepare the water, look in there for some clothes - we're going to have to burn those," Cordelia gestures towards me.
"Thank you," I murmur, hiding my relief.
"What's your name, girl?" she asks, slipping behind the divider.
"Lilith," I call out.
"Lilith what?"
"Just... just Lilith,"
My sunkissed skin is decorated in bruises and scrapes alike, red and black marks littering the expanse of flesh. My body sings with alleviation as I lower myself into the warm water, the heat washing over my tired muscles in soothing waves. Before I get too comfortable, I grab the rag on the edge of the tub and begin working on the dried blood and dirt. Once satisfied, I begin working through the knots in my ginger curls, my long hair fanning out around me in the water. Even after washing my body, I linger in the thyme-scented bath to revel in the brief moment of solace - knowing it may be the last for a long time to come. The steam on the water's surface fills my lungs with a comforting warmth, soothing my tired bones in its gentle embrace. Slow, cold tears drip down my cheeks, my heart finally able to react to everything that's happened. Betrayal stings deeper than any of the wounds on my skin, but beyond the betrayal is a profound loss. I don't care what they did or how they sold me out or even what price they asked - they were my family. My crew. I squeeze my eyes shut; crying will do me no good. I have to be strong, stronger than ever before. Though I've lost a lot, I've gained a most valuable ally. Magic.
By the time I step out of the tub, the water is cold, rolling off my skin and onto the stone floors. A small stool sits nearby with the clothes I picked from Cordelia's wardrobe. It'll be a relief to feel soft, clean fabric against my body. After drying off with a linen towel, I pull a white blouse over my head. The collar is a bit wider than I anticipated, the sleeves falling to my shoulders and creating a deeper neckline. After hiking dark leather pants over my damp legs, I tuck in the blouse and reach for the final piece - a black corset tunic, tying at the front with straps over my shoulders to hold it in place. The tightness of the tunic makes me feel considerably more supported. A pair of sturdy boots finish off my ensemble, boots that I'm very grateful Cordelia has given me. My old boots only had a step or two left in them before crumbling to dust. I must remember to thank her. I give my hair a final wring with the towel and ready myself to face Cal and Cordelia. Before leaving the room, however, I stop in front of an old, dusty mirror. I hardly recognise the woman staring back at me, my golden eyes looking like they've seen a thousand wars and lived a thousand lives. Though I feel much, much worse.
I follow the sound of voices and the smell of meat into a large, open room. Candles line the wall above a wooden table, and Cal and Cordelia sit on stools facing one another. Their voices are too quiet to make but they look comfortable with each other. I don't like seeing Cal in such a casual position - it's a little too humanising.
"Lilith! Don't you look better," Cordelia exclaims as I approach them. Her long, dark hair is set in several small braids following the shape of her scalp, complimenting the sculpt of her cheekbones and jaw. "Doesn't she, Cal?" Cal turns around, taking in my form with tired eyes.
"I didn't know pirates could take baths," he remarks dryly. I grit my teeth and sit on a stool next to Cordelia, trying not to say anything crude in front of the woman who so graciously accepted me into her home and dressed me. To my pleasant surprise, however, she sends a smack right into his bicep.
"Cal, my dear, that's no way to talk to a lady - not to mention you smell like absolute steaming shit," she scolds him. He immediately turns to face her with a scrutinising stare.
"The f*ck did you just call me?" He stares at her in astonishment, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he fights back a smile. "I'm going to take my bath - not because I stink - but to get away from you two," Cal stands up and leaves Cordelia and me alone at the table. She stares after him for a moment before turning to me.
"Are you hungry?"
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