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Dumb things you used to believe
Dumb things you used to believe in like how the entire world was black and white when your parents were kids because TV didn't have color
7 subscribers 1 member
Qfeaster Lies
So this is basically a page where you post images of the biggest lies you have ever seen on Qfeast.
9 subscribers 1 member
My reaction if...
Ok so post something saying your reaction if ( insert something here ) exp: your reaction if you met your favorite singer. Then ppl can reply describing what their reaction would be. Sorry if I didn't make things clear I'm horr...
8 subscribers 1 member
Silly page
Post your best stuff that is really funny on this page and really cute!
5 subscribers 2 members
Finish the Sentence
I have no clue how this will turn out. How to play is that someone has to say one word, then the next person has to say the next word, and then it's keeps going until you finish the sentence. You can say anything here!
14 subscribers 1 member
I got bored so I made this relate page. When you write enough but the bubble says "Write down more description"
14 subscribers 1 member
Stupid things you said.
This is a page dedicated to posting dumb sentences you've said. The sentences that make you go, "What the hell was I thinking?" It might've been an embarrassing thing to say, but it can also be pretty hilarious.
11 subscribers 1 member
Losers Page
Join this Page today, if you are sure that you are a loser! (And proud of being one)
9 subscribers 1 member
Your strange dreams
Well pretty much this is a page, about the types of dreams you've been having and yeah.
0 subscribers 1 member
Anti pick up lines
So you know pickup lines well this is just in case someone uses one of these on you and you don't like them you have a come back.
4 subscribers 2 members
Teenager Post Page
You get it. Post teenager posts. I don't care if they're repeated. Honestly. I don't
19 subscribers 1 member
The Giant Page of NOPE
Have you ever seen something that just wasn't right, something that makes you laugh, say "NOPE", and turn around? Join us here! Our official mascot is the bobbit worm for being the nopiest shallow water creature, and honorable ...
7 subscribers 1 member
Supreme Page of Extreme Ridiculousness!
Are you bored? Tired? Or just have something funny to share? Come here for a quick laugh! On this page we post funny images, quotes, and/or monkeys riding dogs. So break a gut and bust a leg when you come down! The colors of th...
9 subscribers 1 member
Funny cat and dog memes
Put your favorite cat and dog memes on this page. For anyone to add posts onto!
7 subscribers 1 member
If we renamed things...
What if we renamed things? What if things didnt have names like they do now? Like a pencil eraser is a magic deleter. Or, clouds are sky pillows or sky cotton candy?
15 subscribers 1 member
Weird Things We Used To Think
Post weird things that you said when you were a kid. I Used to think that "Dip" on the road was a place where it rained kétchup and mustard. XD I mean they are dips.
18 subscribers 2 members
Reasons why Turtles are cool
We discus all the reasons why turtles are cool, cuz they are, it's as simple as that
9 subscribers 3 members
April Fool's Day!
As most people know, tomorrow is April Fool's Day! Post any pranks (preferrably harmless ones) to pull on friends!
9 subscribers 1 member

Week's Most Active Page Members

RayneCloud Rayne Collier
1 story | 7 questions | 5 polls | 31 followers
4 quizzes | 4 stories | 19 questions | 29 polls | 4 pages | 79 followers
advancedetectiveagency Advance Detective
1 follower
vizioconsulting Vizio Consulting
Typing backwards
Hello and welcome in this page you have to type a sentence backwards to see if anyone can read it. Os evah nuf!
12 subscribers 1 member
What did you Draw in Class Today?
laughs evily, bakes a pie, dances on saturn. yep pp. my boss told me to change this stupid sign so I did.
21 subscribers 1 member