Typing backwards
Hello and welcome in this page you have to type a sentence backwards to see if anyone can read it. Os evah nuf!
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A n u t f o r a j a r o f t u n a
R a t s l I v e o n n o e v I l s t a r
R a t s l I v e o n n o e v I l s t a r
on May 04, 2016
(.tacocat si sdrawkcab delleps tacocaT :D)
on April 17, 2016

Yhw od uoy tnaw su ot od siht
on March 15, 2016

This is so funny! Lol.
.lol !ynnuf os si siht.
.lol !ynnuf os si siht.
on March 12, 2016
/: erehwyreve si elatrednu
on March 12, 2016

I dlouc maecrs reverof os s'ereh eht nezorf tuifr.
on March 12, 2016

.ecalp siht tuoba yppah os eb dluow, orriM, CO astapypeerC yM
on March 11, 2016

on March 11, 2016

~ykniL ykniK
on March 11, 2016

Tnasaep, em Deef
on March 11, 2016

Ohw esle si derob
on March 11, 2016