April Fool's Day!
As most people know, tomorrow is April Fool's Day! Post any pranks (preferrably harmless ones) to pull on friends!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

hApPy ApRiL fOoL's EvErYoNe!!!!!!!!!!!!

You too (not for me)
on March 09, 2017
on April 01, 2016

Hey everyone want some caramel apples?
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APRIL FOOLS! It's actually onions covered in caramel XD
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APRIL FOOLS! It's actually onions covered in caramel XD
on April 01, 2016

Glitter eggs ? u crack open an egg or two (carefully), empty it out, dry the inside, and put glitter inside it, put the egg together, put glue all over the egg and cover it with wrapping paper, gift paper, etc. and then smash it on someone's head ???
on April 01, 2016

on April 01, 2016

Keep the pranks coming! You can post ones that you make up, too!
on April 01, 2016

Buy Oreos then laugh at your friend's bewildered and disappointed faces as they realize you've filled the Oreos with tooth paste! XD
Buy Oreos then laugh at your friend's bewildered and disappointed faces as they realize you've filled the Oreos with tooth paste! XD

Wasting icing and that one is dangerous because people will think it’s mint flavored and swallow it
on January 21, 2018
on April 01, 2016