bad childhood memories
there are a lot of memories from when we were little that are so bad we wish they would go away, but no matter how hard we try they stay D:
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my favorite book as a kid was the "how babies are made " book, i was weird

on April 04, 2015

on April 04, 2015
on April 04, 2015

When I found out how babies were made...

I'm a horselover and found out how foals were made when I was seven/eight. Being a logical (not really) seven-year-old I figured that was how all babies were made. I found it interesting.
on April 04, 2015

on April 04, 2015
on April 04, 2015
I was 6 and I was riding my bike, I didn't notice my shoe laces were untied (this was at night) and they wrapped around the pedals and I fell over into the street (Luckily it didn't hurt). A car was coming and my dad was working on a car so he couldn't hear me. I yelled help and he still couldn't hear me. I dragged my foot (with my shoe laces still tied onto the pedal) and went into the grass. The car passed by and I lived.
From then on, I never rode a single bike ever again.
From then on, I never rode a single bike ever again.
on April 04, 2015

You have to get over your fears though I fell off a bike and busted my perminit teeth once and I'm still Eating Pop Tarts While Riding Bikes!
on April 04, 2015
on April 04, 2015
on April 04, 2015
on April 04, 2015

Awful awful awful memoies of being taunted. DX being called ghost, devil, and othe stuff just because I was pale and lived on a beach! Just because you live on a beach doesn't mean you're automatically tan..... GOSH.
on April 04, 2015

Almost getting my head split open multiple times, getting electrocuted (still happens today) the day my friend passed away, the day my dog died and oh so much more
on April 04, 2015

I wanted to play on the computer when I was like, 3, but my sister (She was like 6) was being a hog, so I decided I was going to watch a movie, so I needed to go downstairs to ask my parents if I could in their room, but when I stepped down and tripped and then tumbled down the stairs and the hit my head on our tile floor and ended up getting a concussion! I cried for soo long! LOL XD
on April 03, 2015