bad childhood memories
there are a lot of memories from when we were little that are so bad we wish they would go away, but no matter how hard we try they stay D:
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once I was riding in the car with my grandmother and I had my hand out the window and she told me a story about a little girl who was riding in the car, and was dangling a jump rope out of the window. The rope then caught the wheel and got wrapped around it and the little girls arm was ripped off. I was scared for life...

UGH! THAT'S SO GROSS!!!!!! @seippup12
on October 27, 2015

Lol my mom told me if kids eat buggers bugs make a best in your stomach and crawls out of your ears mouth and nose so every time I saw a kid eat their buggers I was terrified
on October 27, 2015

yeah, I was five. FIVE YEARS OLD!! I didn't even roll the window down for three years...
on October 27, 2015

That's intense O_O
on October 27, 2015
on October 27, 2015

on October 27, 2015

I almost drowned
on September 20, 2015

I licked a boiling pot pretending it was ice cream

I don't really remember what happened to me or any thing I just remember my mouth being numb
on May 22, 2015
on May 22, 2015

This was terrifying yet hilarious:
One night, my parents were out at a party with their friends and I was home alone (My little brother was at a friends house). I was lying on my couch, watching Doctor Who, when I heard a scratching sound. I thought it was the TV, so I ignored it. But then it got louder. All of a sudden, it stopped. Then I heard a tapping on the window. I froze. It kept tapping. I carefully, quietly, got up and tip-toed into the kitchen. I snatched the knife. See More I snuck outside and… it was a branch. Yup. I was prepared to chop a branch to pieces. Woo hoo. Anyhow, I cracked up, and continued my screaming. (It was a Weeping Angel episode)
One night, my parents were out at a party with their friends and I was home alone (My little brother was at a friends house). I was lying on my couch, watching Doctor Who, when I heard a scratching sound. I thought it was the TV, so I ignored it. But then it got louder. All of a sudden, it stopped. Then I heard a tapping on the window. I froze. It kept tapping. I carefully, quietly, got up and tip-toed into the kitchen. I snatched the knife. See More I snuck outside and… it was a branch. Yup. I was prepared to chop a branch to pieces. Woo hoo. Anyhow, I cracked up, and continued my screaming. (It was a Weeping Angel episode)
on April 12, 2015
on April 12, 2015

on April 12, 2015

My auntie had to watch me over the weekend. See, she needs glasses to read.... And I am severely allergic to some chemicals placed in sausage, so my mum makes me a certain sausage by hand. My auntie wasn't wearing glasses as cooking, and when I began eating my throat swelled shut and I was rushed to urgent care.
Never, under any circumstances, EVER, let your (almost) blind auntie cook for you.
You will die.
Never, under any circumstances, EVER, let your (almost) blind auntie cook for you.
You will die.
on April 07, 2015

When I was about 6 years old, I was at my cousins house and we were all playing in her pool. Which was really deep (especially for me) and I slipped by accident and fell to the bottom of the pool. If my aunt didn't dive in then I probably would'Ve drowned. And, to add more to my fear of deep water, when I was riding my bike when I was 8, my bike crashed down the hill and I couldn't stop, so I almost crashed into a lake. But, thankfully, that tree broke my fall. -_- So, yeah...I See More have some bad experiences with water...
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015

For the pool, yeah was fine. I coughed a couple times, but I was fine. As for the lake, a couple scratches and bruises. I didn't want to ride my bike the rest of the time though...
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015

One time my sister and I were riding our bikes. A car came. When I saw it I screamed and fell. I hit my arm in a bad spot. My arm bended the other way and I had a cast for about a year. -_-
on April 05, 2015

Well, one time in kindergarten, people kept calling me short and made fun of it- like for instance, they would push me at the back of the line because of my height. And I also remember a group of guys throwing pieces of bark at me in the middle of the game...*shivers*
Well, one time in kindergarten, people kept calling me short and made fun of it- like for instance, they would push me at the back of the line because of my height. And I also remember a group of guys throwing pieces of bark at me in the middle of the game...*shivers*
on April 05, 2015

I once forgot to feed my hamster and....yeah... still feel pretty bad for that.
on April 04, 2015

My mum trashed the house twice
She was drunk she got very mad and trashed the house.......twice
She was drunk she got very mad and trashed the house.......twice
on April 04, 2015

When my mom left me when I was 1 for men and drugs.
When I was almost hit and killed by a car when I was like 7 months old.
When I was almost hit and killed by a car when I was like 7 months old.
on April 04, 2015

Oh yeah and that time my dad got mad at the GPS and so he punched the screen while going really fast and then it banged against my nose and almost broke it
on April 04, 2015

I remember all of my injuries veeeerry vividly.... And I have a lot of injuries...
on April 04, 2015

When my first dog Kosmo died... and it was partially my fault...

I had to give my first, second, and third dogs away. My first dog was a baby weiner dog, she missed her mother, my second dog was a lassa oppso, she is now my nana's, and my third dog (Which I cry every time I think about her) was a yorkie, we gave her away in June.
on October 27, 2015
on April 04, 2015

When i was in second grade I Had the best teacher ever and she was having a baby so we had a substitute for a while and she was amazing too.... One day our sub was teaching us math and went to get the overhead and she tripped on the wire... The room was silent and kids asked if she was ok but she didn't answer....people started to act as soon as someone said " SHES BLEEDING!!!!!" I was closest to the door And I ran to the nurse with most of the class behind me and the nurse came See More with a wheelchair...... The rest if the kids( including my friend) stayed with the teacher and apparently her leg was twitching and the teacher was my other friends aunt.... And she broke her nose

on June 10, 2015

That's weird. When I was in Second Grade I had a substitute because the teacher was having a baby. O_O
on April 05, 2015
on April 04, 2015

My mum tried to suffocate my older sister with a towl
She was drunk my sister gave her a bad attitude one thing lead to another I was trying to get my mum off of my sister and yea
She was drunk my sister gave her a bad attitude one thing lead to another I was trying to get my mum off of my sister and yea
on April 04, 2015