bad childhood memories
there are a lot of memories from when we were little that are so bad we wish they would go away, but no matter how hard we try they stay D:
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I was being an idiot and rode My scooter down a hill. I have to say, I'd do it again, even though it cost me my.left arm for about 3 months...

I did that too, it I rolled when I tipped and didn't break anything, I got so many cuts bad gashes though.
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016

The dreaded moment when my brother punched me in the shoulder and ended up dislocating it (summer of 2014)
on January 20, 2016

When I went to California, my family and I went swimming. We were just floating, letting the waves push us to the shore. Many other people were doing the same thing. Because the waves were so big, everyone went under the waves for a bit, then came back up. But one time while I was under a wave, someone SAT ON ME. I was stuck under the person and I was literally drowning. I couldn't breathe and I was freaking out. I finally managed to get the person off of me, but I was still traumatized....

on January 21, 2016

i remember when I was in year 5 the whole school went on a swimming excursion, while i was swimming in the pool minding my own business, this other kid from another school was trying to jump on my and push my under water.
on January 21, 2016

on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016

I'm just going to spit it all out...
When I found out I had autism. Half of me FREAKED, the other said it was no big deal.
I've also been "Sexually assaulted" when I was 7... I don't remember it- it's best I don't
When I was younger I was bullied, one of the worst times was when the bully tricked me, pulled a "For Sale" sign out and screamed "KID FOR SALE! KID FOR SALE!"
When my god sister/ BFF/ sister and my stepsis went in the mental hospital from going suicidal.
Moving. All See More I have to say.
When I was spanked with a belt for some stupid reason.
Ok, I've got it aaaaaalllllll out.
When I found out I had autism. Half of me FREAKED, the other said it was no big deal.
I've also been "Sexually assaulted" when I was 7... I don't remember it- it's best I don't
When I was younger I was bullied, one of the worst times was when the bully tricked me, pulled a "For Sale" sign out and screamed "KID FOR SALE! KID FOR SALE!"
When my god sister/ BFF/ sister and my stepsis went in the mental hospital from going suicidal.
Moving. All See More I have to say.
When I was spanked with a belt for some stupid reason.
Ok, I've got it aaaaaalllllll out.
on January 20, 2016
Okay, now he's fine, but when my friend showed me...
I was scared stiff for two months.
Okay, now he's fine, but when my friend showed me...
I was scared stiff for two months.
on January 20, 2016

TW: Rape
When i was 5 my uncle touched in places that shouldn't be touched. I had some help afterwards and my mom pressed charges against him.
When i was 5 my uncle touched in places that shouldn't be touched. I had some help afterwards and my mom pressed charges against him.
on January 20, 2016

on January 20, 2016

I was trampled by a group of scared deer when I was riding my bike in our yard
on January 20, 2016

.. I may have been... Well... In more scientific terms... "Sexually assaulted"... I was 7... =(
on January 20, 2016

When @SnowClan decided to show me a disturbing video involving my little pony..... *shivers*
on January 11, 2016

I went to sit on Santa's lap and he stared tickling me TT^TT the reason why I'm scared of Santa
on December 02, 2015

When I found out my parents got divorced. I cried for like a month straight!
on October 28, 2015

There is a reason i hate high heels. I was walking in a pair when i was 2 and the left one went into my leg and there is a scar from it.
on October 27, 2015

When I had too many things to hold while riding my bike home after school. The wheel turned and hit the curb thus, making me fall, drop everything, and chip my two front teeth. SO painful! I am now teperature sensitive in those teeth.
on October 27, 2015

when i was five my mom forgot me at walmart and didn't come for two hours

your mum she care about you more often and make sure she counts the people she takes with her
on January 21, 2016
Yup. Parents at the store makes it feel luxury than sitting home or making food or taking care of.... Dun dun dun (to them) kids!
on November 02, 2015
on October 29, 2015
on October 27, 2015

When I was six, I sat on a cactus. Don't ask me why, I just felt like sitting out it DX
on October 27, 2015

I was fishing on a raft with my grandpa, and when he was rowing it with a long oar. Whenever he moved it forward, I was pushed into the Darby creek, which was about 9-10 ft deep O_O
on October 27, 2015

I got hit by a car when I was six.
on January 20, 2016

@Shybunny14 and @Toy_Chica I'm fine. I cou;d always use an Internet hug though! :)
on October 28, 2015
on October 27, 2015

My grandpa when he blamed EVERYTHING on me and he got kicked out of my house THANKS GOD FOR THAT!
but he used to tickle me in places where he shouldn't have tickled me
(thats all i'm saying i don't want to go into any details...)
but he used to tickle me in places where he shouldn't have tickled me
(thats all i'm saying i don't want to go into any details...)
on October 27, 2015