bad childhood memories
there are a lot of memories from when we were little that are so bad we wish they would go away, but no matter how hard we try they stay D:
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This isn’t really all that bad but like when your parents yell at you when friends are over and you get super embarrassed. Well, one time this happened when I had like 10 friends over and I was so embarrassed. But also once I climbed a huge ladder in a store without my mom watching and I got in trouble. It had chains to prevent people from going up but I didn’t read it.
on June 03, 2022

ive been bullyed my entire life and no one at my school gives a crap. my parents divorced when i was 4 and i nw have sever depression, anxiety and i want to kill something. be4 u go saying go get some milk i go to theripy but theperson is a mother f#ucker b#tch and im gtting worse. i have friends but i still feel lonely. i have tryed to starve, choke, drown and hang myself... please help me...
on January 09, 2020

I got bullied from the past, I got tortured by some boys once, I got threatened from my mother, she even locked my bedroom door when I was little at night and I started crying within sorrow because I was too scared to sleep on my mother tried to hurt me by shaking me really hard when I was born...I almost had a brain injury from her because of how delicate I was back then...there's a lot of things that I have been through that are hard on me from the past...which it was See More hard to deal with at the times like this...

If I was here I would never let her hurt you...because it's not ok to hurt their own children...but I will try to be there for you the long as you're ok...
If I was here I would never let her hurt you...because it's not ok to hurt their own children...but I will try to be there for you the long as you're ok...
on May 06, 2019

I've been through a lot t oo!I was born with a actual hole in my heart and my parents right a time my mom slapped my dad and ever sense I've been scared of being touched..........sometimes my friends will try to buy me...then I atomaticly push them off......I'm just so scared!
on May 05, 2019
on February 03, 2019

on February 03, 2019

I was probably the worst child in my preschool class...
on July 19, 2016

I threw up in my uncle's new car when I was 8.... He still hates me for it but I think it's funny
on July 19, 2016

when i found out all of my "freinds" always backstabed me and i think that's why im antisocal p.s. i cant spell
on January 21, 2016

Its ok! I've been some crazy stuff but if you need help from can't sleep to boys just tag me and i'll hel you though it! <3
on January 21, 2016

I flew out of my fathers truck window and cracked my head open. He didn't take me to the hospital for four hours! My mom ended up having a screaming fight. They made up kinda but I was finally taken to the hospital. I still have a large scar.
on January 21, 2016

a friend tried to kiss me and I tried to run away, but he grabbed my earing and pulled
on January 21, 2016

I walked in on my parents when I was 4. O.o
I walked in on my parents when I was 4. O.o
on January 20, 2016

When my grandfather whenever I was a 'bad girl' he'd bring out the black leather belt and hit me with it
it left a red mark there for I think weeks........
it left a red mark there for I think weeks........
on January 20, 2016

When I accidentally spilt boiling hot water on my feet, trying to make ramen.

when i was 6 my mom had tought me to make noodles(she has a spinel birth defect)when i had the water on the stove it was boilng and i put my hand in it
on January 21, 2016
on January 20, 2016

on January 20, 2016
my mom hugged me in public and she did it to make me look like a baby on purposeX-(
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016

once when I was two or three I think, I can't remember, I was at a waterpark with my parents and my mom went to go get me a life jacket, since I was a little kid and couldn't swim. I sat with my dad in the oversized hot tub and waited, but before my mom came back, my dad decided to let me try to swim across by myself, and I remember sinking to the bottom and seeing a bright light, and I think I was screaming but I can't completely remember.. but my dad finally noticed I was under See More and pulled me back up.
on January 20, 2016

Out of all my bad childhood memories, I've never broken a bone...
Technically not a memory: I was so pre- mature I nearly died =3
Technically not a memory: I was so pre- mature I nearly died =3

@Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran True, but that can be argued either way. I'm obviously not a pro, so I'm not going to say that I'm positive.
on January 21, 2016

@MlpGravityFallsFAN But not everyone BREAKS them. You just lose them. And I'm also pretty sure that they're actually not...
on January 21, 2016
on January 21, 2016
on January 20, 2016
on January 20, 2016