Bye eyveryone! Fine me on a new account @Kyla_The_Bunny

I can't find it
on June 12, 2016

Oh ok
on October 31, 2015
on October 31, 2015

OPkay, I'm going to just leave and get a new account. My accounts name is Kyla_The_Bunny if you want to find me, alright?

I will make a new account and still be here, just pretty much start all over. I''l work on it in a bit, but it's Kyla_The_Bunny if you want to find me, alright?
on October 31, 2015
on October 31, 2015

:( I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD!!! *cries, covering face.*
on October 31, 2015

Should I start all over? Get a new account and delete this one?

on October 31, 2015
on October 31, 2015