on June 16, 2015

on June 16, 2015

Is it Jeff's grin that's wide and deep?
Between the lines of Go to Sleep?
Or is it the link-like BEN?
Striking fear into the hearts of men?
Any of these things could be lurking round the bend,
The monsters and such that the darkness does send.
Even though the thought of it fills you with dread, See More
Where the fear resides?
Between the lines of Go to Sleep?
Or is it the link-like BEN?
Striking fear into the hearts of men?
Any of these things could be lurking round the bend,
The monsters and such that the darkness does send.
Even though the thought of it fills you with dread, See More
Where the fear resides?
on June 05, 2015

Harry Potter Pledge...
I promise to remember Harry
When someone grows up with no love
I promise to remember Ron
When I feel overshadowed
I promise to remember Hermione
When I meet someone with wisdom beyond their years See More
I promise to remember James and Lily
When someone dies before their time
I promise to remember Dumbledore
At the thought of the greater good
I promise to "Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good"
for Gred, Forge, and Padfoot, of course
I promise to remember Moony
And fight for human rights
I promise to remember Narcissa
When I'd do anything for family
I promise to remember Tonks
When I feel hyper and cheery
I promise to remember Hedwig
Who lived and died soaring
I promise to remember Ginny
When I must face my fears
I promise to remember Percy
When ambition gets the best of me
I promise to have constant vigilance
For Mad-Eye's sake, of course
When one is wrongly accused
I promise to remember Neville
When I stand up for what is right
I promise to remember the Marauders
When a friend says, "Call me, and I'll be there."
I promise to remember Dobby
When asked the price of freedom
I promise to remember Luna
When I don't care what other people think of me
I promise to remember Seamus
When things go wrong, I still presevere
I promise to remember Oliver
When I soar to great heights
I promise to remember the Dursleys
When my parents still keep denying that they hid my Hogwarts acceptance letter
I promise to remember Gilderoy Lockheart
Whenever I chance upon narcissistic people
I promise to remember Snape
When asked the true meaning of love, and not given in return
I promise to remember Draco
When I have to make hard choices between good and evil
I promise to remember Grendelwald
When I think someone is redeemable
I promise to remember Tom Riddle
When I am tempted by what I know is wrong
I promise to remember J.K. Rowling
When I value the power of imagination
And when they ask "After all this time?" I'll say, "Always."
Yes, I promise that I will Remember Harry Potter
If you're a Harry Potter Fan c0py and p@ste this to your profile
I promise to remember Harry
When someone grows up with no love
I promise to remember Ron
When I feel overshadowed
I promise to remember Hermione
When I meet someone with wisdom beyond their years See More
I promise to remember James and Lily
When someone dies before their time
I promise to remember Dumbledore
At the thought of the greater good
I promise to "Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good"
for Gred, Forge, and Padfoot, of course
I promise to remember Moony
And fight for human rights
I promise to remember Narcissa
When I'd do anything for family
I promise to remember Tonks
When I feel hyper and cheery
I promise to remember Hedwig
Who lived and died soaring
I promise to remember Ginny
When I must face my fears
I promise to remember Percy
When ambition gets the best of me
I promise to have constant vigilance
For Mad-Eye's sake, of course
When one is wrongly accused
I promise to remember Neville
When I stand up for what is right
I promise to remember the Marauders
When a friend says, "Call me, and I'll be there."
I promise to remember Dobby
When asked the price of freedom
I promise to remember Luna
When I don't care what other people think of me
I promise to remember Seamus
When things go wrong, I still presevere
I promise to remember Oliver
When I soar to great heights
I promise to remember the Dursleys
When my parents still keep denying that they hid my Hogwarts acceptance letter
I promise to remember Gilderoy Lockheart
Whenever I chance upon narcissistic people
I promise to remember Snape
When asked the true meaning of love, and not given in return
I promise to remember Draco
When I have to make hard choices between good and evil
I promise to remember Grendelwald
When I think someone is redeemable
I promise to remember Tom Riddle
When I am tempted by what I know is wrong
I promise to remember J.K. Rowling
When I value the power of imagination
And when they ask "After all this time?" I'll say, "Always."
Yes, I promise that I will Remember Harry Potter
If you're a Harry Potter Fan c0py and p@ste this to your profile
on May 27, 2015

*scrolling through my wall*
.....I've changed a lot.....
.....I've changed a lot.....

I went from being obsessed with MLP, the most heartwarming show and now I am an Attack On titan freak...
on May 27, 2015
on May 27, 2015

on May 27, 2015

Germany taught me to fight back
Italy taught me to smile and live life to the fullest
Japan taught me to be an OTAKU and proud
Prussia taught me to love myself
Canada taught me you're never alone
France taught me that love find its way See More
America taught me to be a hero
The Nordics taught me that true friendship lasts forever
Sealand taught me to dream big and make them happen
England taught me to always stand tall
Austria taught me everyone has a talent
Russia taught me it's okay to be scary
And Hungary taught me never let them underestimate you~!
~~~~~~~Rep0st if you love Hetalia~~~~~~~~
Germany taught me to fight back
Italy taught me to smile and live life to the fullest
Japan taught me to be an OTAKU and proud
Prussia taught me to love myself
Canada taught me you're never alone
France taught me that love find its way See More
America taught me to be a hero
The Nordics taught me that true friendship lasts forever
Sealand taught me to dream big and make them happen
England taught me to always stand tall
Austria taught me everyone has a talent
Russia taught me it's okay to be scary
And Hungary taught me never let them underestimate you~!
~~~~~~~Rep0st if you love Hetalia~~~~~~~~
on May 27, 2015

Only 678 people can read this, can you?
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltretes in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whtouit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, See More but the wrod as a wolhe. Azinamg huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. Strange..isn't it?
~R3P0ST3D~ :3
Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltretes in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whtouit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, See More but the wrod as a wolhe. Azinamg huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. Strange..isn't it?
~R3P0ST3D~ :3
on May 27, 2015

Almost all of them-
Almost all of them-

on May 27, 2015

Some don’t see past the bloodstains,
Most never see the tears.
Through violence and despair were we given our taint,
We’ve been suffering like this for years.
Go to sleep?
There is no sleep.
A distinct crossed-through mark. See More
In these constant darkened states
With this burning, consuming hate…
Why must we suffer such terrible fates?
Why did you break your promise?
Corrupting fires.
Why could you not be honest?
Where has the world gone to?
Our revenge is hell-bent
And it’s headed for you.
We don’t check for monsters under our beds,
We know the real monsters are in our heads.
Go to sleep?
There is no sleep.
Not for us who live in the dark.
Spread the word if you see the other side of the Creepypastas.
Most never see the tears.
Through violence and despair were we given our taint,
We’ve been suffering like this for years.
Go to sleep?
There is no sleep.
A distinct crossed-through mark. See More
In these constant darkened states
With this burning, consuming hate…
Why must we suffer such terrible fates?
Why did you break your promise?
Corrupting fires.
Why could you not be honest?
Where has the world gone to?
Our revenge is hell-bent
And it’s headed for you.
We don’t check for monsters under our beds,
We know the real monsters are in our heads.
Go to sleep?
There is no sleep.
Not for us who live in the dark.
Spread the word if you see the other side of the Creepypastas.
on May 27, 2015

Like if you would give Eyeless Jack your eyes so he can see the world
Like if you would have saved BEN from drowning
Like if you would make Brvr happy again
Like if you would help avenge Jane's loss of her family
Like if you wouldn't forget Lost Silver
Like if you would help Laughing Jack's sorrows fade
Like if you would be Slender's proxy See More
Like if you would make Masky and Hoodie a cheesecake
Like if you would get Ticci a normal life
Like if you would throw hatchets with Ticci Toby
Like if you would smile with Jeff
Like if you would play with Sally
Like if you love Creepypasta
Rep0st if you mean it
Like if you would have saved BEN from drowning
Like if you would make Brvr happy again
Like if you would help avenge Jane's loss of her family
Like if you wouldn't forget Lost Silver
Like if you would help Laughing Jack's sorrows fade
Like if you would be Slender's proxy See More
Like if you would make Masky and Hoodie a cheesecake
Like if you would get Ticci a normal life
Like if you would throw hatchets with Ticci Toby
Like if you would smile with Jeff
Like if you would play with Sally
Like if you love Creepypasta
Rep0st if you mean it
on May 27, 2015

Two girls and two boys hold up signs. Here are what they say:
G1: Lesbian
G2: Bi
B1: Straight
B2: Gay
Then they flip them over. They now read
G1: But See More
G2: I'm
B1: Still
B2: Human
Like if you agree that sexuality doesn't matter.
Rep0st if you mean it.
G1: Lesbian
G2: Bi
B1: Straight
B2: Gay
Then they flip them over. They now read
G1: But See More
G2: I'm
B1: Still
B2: Human
Like if you agree that sexuality doesn't matter.
Rep0st if you mean it.
on May 27, 2015

Dear Math,
gblkcgvmlkgcfbm,kgfbkm,gvm,khngbn,knjn.fgbkjngnbkjnhbnjmnkhnbgkjmhgbkmghbnkjhgbnjmnkgvbkbfgklgblkmgb;l,gbhn,l;hngbdcfjhbtrgujikhytgbjikitgbvkjrgtujufgvruhjtrfgvthjtrgvhjtrfgvhjurfgvthjtrfgbhjregfehjutrgfhjegtresehgkuerdhikuvhtrdiughyv8hrybvu86rtyjvu98uhrgjvhbrgiuhtyuejikghyuhtifesuoyeu0h5ygretgkfdwhsdo4yt5456jf4rgtuyg769oyihjtrgethjtyigfkiguthitrpfewtfgri4u3h4uroptkurgf[e3poiujhgjbigvf[dpew3jrtfeldj3upr]g[hojike'[]gfw];elokg]dcf[rdplo3t5k6ol[gijt54p[tpolhnjbv [plrfnhgkjfvjkfgvkjfgvkjmgkmgbfkjmfgkjfgjgjkgjkgjk See More
Because you are useless just like spam~
Rep0st if you hate homework
gblkcgvmlkgcfbm,kgfbkm,gvm,khngbn,knjn.fgbkjngnbkjnhbnjmnkhnbgkjmhgbkmghbnkjhgbnjmnkgvbkbfgklgblkmgb;l,gbhn,l;hngbdcfjhbtrgujikhytgbjikitgbvkjrgtujufgvruhjtrfgvthjtrgvhjtrfgvhjurfgvthjtrfgbhjregfehjutrgfhjegtresehgkuerdhikuvhtrdiughyv8hrybvu86rtyjvu98uhrgjvhbrgiuhtyuejikghyuhtifesuoyeu0h5ygretgkfdwhsdo4yt5456jf4rgtuyg769oyihjtrgethjtyigfkiguthitrpfewtfgri4u3h4uroptkurgf[e3poiujhgjbigvf[dpew3jrtfeldj3upr]g[hojike'[]gfw];elokg]dcf[rdplo3t5k6ol[gijt54p[tpolhnjbv [plrfnhgkjfvjkfgvkjfgvkjmgkmgbfkjmfgkjfgjgjkgjkgjk See More
Because you are useless just like spam~
Rep0st if you hate homework
on May 27, 2015

Nighty added a new chapter to Truth or Dare with the Creepypastas's!
Heeeeello! Fellow readers! So, I know I haven't updated but I have like 7 scenarios to do and extra homework AND the final exams coming up! They are going to be done by the end of the week, but I just wanted to tell you that I won't be updating until the weekend! Anyway, sorry for the non-update if you were expecting it! D: ANYWAY, enjoy the test of your day!
Read Full Chapter
on May 27, 2015