Boredom has taken the lives of many innocent children. Every day, more and more are taken by this horrible disease. Together, we can make a difference. #HelpStopBoredom. Let's end boredom and make a difference for good.
-by @FirestormthePegasus
-by @FirestormthePegasus
on April 07, 2015

Nighty asked a question

My knees randomly buckle? As the title says, my knees randomly buckle. It happens in bo...
on April 06, 2015

Is it weird I think Jeff the Killer sounds like Gruncle Stan from Gravity Falls...?
on April 05, 2015

When I was about 6 years old, I was at my cousins house and we were all playing in her pool. Which was really deep (especially for me) and I slipped by accident and fell to the bottom of the pool. If my aunt didn't dive in then I probably would'Ve drowned. And, to add more to my fear of deep water, when I was riding my bike when I was 8, my bike crashed down the hill and I couldn't stop, so I almost crashed into a lake. But, thankfully, that tree broke my fall. -_- So, yeah...I See More have some bad experiences with water...
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015

For the pool, yeah was fine. I coughed a couple times, but I was fine. As for the lake, a couple scratches and bruises. I didn't want to ride my bike the rest of the time though...
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015

on April 05, 2015

Hey! Just got an account on Quot*v, my username is pandapillow, like it is on here! :D
on April 01, 2015

I love this so much!! :)
I love this so much!! :)
on March 29, 2015

A- Available: Yes, but I'm not allowed to date
B- Birthday: January 14
C- Crushing On: Irl? Nope. Fictional characters? Yes...
D- Drink you last had: Orange juice
E- Easiest person to talk too: My best friend Emma
F- Favorite song: Dang, that's hard... umm, maybe Regret Message (english dub) by Froggy/Rin Kagamine on youtube
G- Grossest memory: *shudders* D-do I have to answer that? See More
H- Hometown: STALKER ALERT!!! D:
I- In love with: Irl? Nope. Fictional characters? Too many to list...
J- Jealous of: The people in my class who can talk freely without being shy...
K- Killed someone: Haha, maybe I will if they tick me off!
L- Longest friendship: 7 years and still going on!
M- Middle Name: Elaine
N- Number of siblings: 2 (younger)
O- One wish: To be able to teleportation into any fandom/anime I want whenever I want!
P- Person who called you last: My mom
Q- Question you're always asked: Why are you so shy?
R- Reason to smile: Because you should experience joy :)
S- Song you last sang: Servant of Evil (english dub) by Frogged on youtube
T- Time you woke up: 7:30 (which I was late for some VERY important testing)
U- Underwear color: O////O W-why do you want to know, baka!
V- Violent moment you had: Either when I almost drowned in a swimming pool, or almost crashed into a lake while riding my bike, BUT crashed into a tree blocking the lake...(yeah I have some bad experiences with water...plus I can't swim, thus my fear of deep water...)
W- Worst habit: Biting my nails and cracking my knuckles when I'm nervous
X- # of x-rays you had: When my knees kept buckling randomly (which they still do)
Y- Your last kiss: I haven't had my first kiss yet...but if you mean any, then my mom...
Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn ;D
B- Birthday: January 14
C- Crushing On: Irl? Nope. Fictional characters? Yes...
D- Drink you last had: Orange juice
E- Easiest person to talk too: My best friend Emma
F- Favorite song: Dang, that's hard... umm, maybe Regret Message (english dub) by Froggy/Rin Kagamine on youtube
G- Grossest memory: *shudders* D-do I have to answer that? See More
H- Hometown: STALKER ALERT!!! D:
I- In love with: Irl? Nope. Fictional characters? Too many to list...
J- Jealous of: The people in my class who can talk freely without being shy...
K- Killed someone: Haha, maybe I will if they tick me off!
L- Longest friendship: 7 years and still going on!
M- Middle Name: Elaine
N- Number of siblings: 2 (younger)
O- One wish: To be able to teleportation into any fandom/anime I want whenever I want!
P- Person who called you last: My mom
Q- Question you're always asked: Why are you so shy?
R- Reason to smile: Because you should experience joy :)
S- Song you last sang: Servant of Evil (english dub) by Frogged on youtube
T- Time you woke up: 7:30 (which I was late for some VERY important testing)
U- Underwear color: O////O W-why do you want to know, baka!
V- Violent moment you had: Either when I almost drowned in a swimming pool, or almost crashed into a lake while riding my bike, BUT crashed into a tree blocking the lake...(yeah I have some bad experiences with water...plus I can't swim, thus my fear of deep water...)
W- Worst habit: Biting my nails and cracking my knuckles when I'm nervous
X- # of x-rays you had: When my knees kept buckling randomly (which they still do)
Y- Your last kiss: I haven't had my first kiss yet...but if you mean any, then my mom...
Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn ;D
on March 26, 2015

Nighty asked a question
Some good anime... I'm looking for some good anime... but I don't want some romantic ch...
on March 26, 2015