Stupid things you did when you were little
Stupid things you thought or did when you were younger. Everybody welcome!
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I Would Always Wave To A Security Camera.

I stick my middle finger if no ones looking... >.>
on March 28, 2015

on January 22, 2015
on January 21, 2015

I Would Always Crawl Into Blankets And Sheets, Thinking I Would Be Transported Somewhere Else.
on January 21, 2015

I always thought that I had a unicorn for a pet, I just couldn't see it
on January 15, 2015

I believed in a place called 'piggy land' and me and my sister would play pretend with our stuffed pigs
on January 15, 2015

My friends and I used to collect rolley-polies (little bugs that curl into calls) and one of the boys wanted to kill him and I said something about jesus
on January 08, 2015

I made f*ck you outta shavin cream and I got kicked out of preschool
on January 08, 2015

When I was in preschool we were making snowflakes. It was a little complicated for a preschooler, JUST SAYIN'!!!!!
Anyway, so I messed up and my paper was in all these little pieces. I was freaked out, so I tried hiding the pieces in my shirt, but the teacher came over and told me I had to throw it out. I'm FREAKED OUT and started crying because I didn't want to throw the pieces away so I started stuffing more of them in my shirt but the teacher made me throw them out anyway so See More I just sat and was angry.
Anyway, so I messed up and my paper was in all these little pieces. I was freaked out, so I tried hiding the pieces in my shirt, but the teacher came over and told me I had to throw it out. I'm FREAKED OUT and started crying because I didn't want to throw the pieces away so I started stuffing more of them in my shirt but the teacher made me throw them out anyway so See More I just sat and was angry.
on January 08, 2015

(Note, this was a while ago and I thought this was a brilliant idea)
I tried to climb on the TV so I could look at the show I was watching from on top. The TV fell, but thankfully it didn't hit anyone. I wasn't allowed to watch TV for a month.
I tried to climb on the TV so I could look at the show I was watching from on top. The TV fell, but thankfully it didn't hit anyone. I wasn't allowed to watch TV for a month.
on January 08, 2015

When I was younger (like preschool) I saw and was tempted because it looked liked cookie dough, yup you guessed it, I,ate, play doh... WORST MISTAKE EVER. Also I ate tic tacs like candy, and still do even though they're mints. I remember once to I was playing Pokemon on my DS and found an absol at midnight and was extremely tired, so I accidentally turned off the DS and cried because I lost the absol. I was so sad and tired at the same time. The next day I found another absol See More and was staring at the screen with a WTF face tying to figure out thing because I thought you only found a Pokemon once XD
on January 07, 2015

I had a 'cat mode' where i would say 'cat mode' and then act like a cat. I was the quiet cat girl at our school.
on January 07, 2015

Jumped off the top bunk and hit my head against the tv, cracked it badly.
on January 07, 2015

on January 07, 2015

I use to eat butter out the fridge when everyone was sleep, I also bit into a spicy pepper. XP
on January 07, 2015

When I was younger I took baths with my little brother. I played with his thing and it kinda got erected. I asked my mom about it and she just said that it's healthy
on January 07, 2015
on January 07, 2015

I Was Racing My Brother And Sister And Crashed Into A Chair Leg, Making Almost All Of My Teeth Fall Out. Everyone Was Staring.....
on January 07, 2015

When i was little i loved taking electronics apart and putting them back together(I still do too) i messed up when i took my moms phone apart and it broke and she grounded for about a month

on January 07, 2015
on January 07, 2015

Whenever I was on a car ride, I would pretend that there is something running along beside the car, but there would be certain rules like, it could only run on posts, or on fences, or maybe even on rooftops, or trees.

on January 10, 2015

OMG when I was WAY younger i used to imagine Sonic was running alongside the car :"> and he was also my imaginary friend...
on January 08, 2015
on January 06, 2015

When I was little I had a bike (in the house idk why...) and my dad fell asleep, so I decided to open the fridge, get a tub of butter, spread it all over the bike (even on the chains) and ride it around my house! ^-^u
on January 06, 2015

I still do this: When it's raining and I'm in the car I pretend the rain drops are having a race down the window :D
on January 08, 2015
on January 06, 2015