I'm back, guys! I have 5 PM's and 206 Notifications!

Bio please??
on November 14, 2015

nice X3
on October 07, 2015
on October 07, 2015


Hi. Sorry, but, my dad changed the password so I am on this account until he tells me it.
on March 25, 2015
on March 25, 2015

TicciToby335 added a question to the starred list

What are/is your theme song/s?
on January 18, 2015

on January 17, 2015

on January 16, 2015


I'm actually starting to tear up now...can you at least CONVINCE him to come back on or visit?
on January 16, 2015
on January 16, 2015

on January 16, 2015

TicciToby335 added a story to the favorite list

The Story of Five Nights at Freddy's: Mobian Style
on January 16, 2015

One time I was riding down a steep hill on a scooter, and was going to crash. I decided - stupidly - to jump off the scooter and into the grass. I jumped off, but didn't land in the grass. Instead, I landed on the road, and cried my eyes out. It was so embarrassing, my brother and sister teased me about it for a month.
on January 16, 2015

Mumbles five words, does youtube, has four seasons of something. What are they?
on January 16, 2015